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`(5/2/2008) Wayne Doolittle - SCAN3688_000.pdf .Page 7 <br />Heidi Cintron - Porch -5- November 14, 2007 <br />QUALIFICATIONS <br />1. This proposal does not include any changes or fees by utility companies to install water <br />mains, sewer mains, telephones, gas mains, power poles, line transformers, or connections to <br />building, unless otherwise noted. <br />2. Sewage/sewer permits obtained by LCI are permits necessary for disposal of human waste <br />ONLY and are NOT SPECIAL PERMITS. Usage for anything but human waste (chemicals, <br />degreasers, etc.) must be cleared by special permit issued by State Board of Health. <br />3. This Contract is expressly conditioned upon building site having earth with minimum load <br />capacity of 3,000 pounds per square foot within two feet below ground level or existing <br />grade, whichever is lower. This Contract does not cover any earth conditions not meeting <br />these specifications; additional excavations, foundations, walls, piles, or special footings; any <br />other additional foundation costs; excavation of any rock requiring blasting, mechanical rock <br />breakers or any special equipment (inclusive of, but not limited to, fill material, water pumps <br />or any condition that exists as result of abnormal water condition); or placement of fill <br />material in addition to what is stated in Sitework specifications and that is required to achieve <br />proper grade and/or load capacity necessary for construction. Any extra costs in connection <br />with non -conforming earth conditions or any special footing or foundation work will be <br />charged at cost of all labor, material equipment, rental, and overhead plus fifteen percent <br />(15%) profit. <br />4. Should it be discovered that contractor's employees or other are being exposed to asbestos <br />fibers in excess of limitations established by various applicable governmental agencies, all <br />additional costs necessary to properly protect these individuals will be borne by Owner and, <br />since Owner desires to have this work completed, said Owner shall indemnify contractor <br />against all claims or suit brought by exposed individuals. It should be duly noted that any <br />costs involved for qualified sample testing of any work or for asbestos exposure <br />concentrations are not included in this proposal price. <br />Thank you for the opportunity to submit this proposal. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Ryan Green <br />Project Sales Manager <br />Lemacks Construction Inc. <br />Base Bid Accepted by Owner. Date Accepted by Lemacks Construction: Date <br />02001 by Lemacks Construction, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this proposal may be used, reproduced, <br />stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means — whether electronic, mechanical, <br />photocopied, recorded or other - without prior express written permission of Lemacks Construction, Inc. <br />