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The Preserve America Program <br />for <br />Communities & Neighborhoods <br /> <br />The Preserve America Initiative <br />Launched in 2003, the Preserve America Program unites various federal agency partners to <br />encourage and support community efforts for,the preservation and enjoyment of our priceless <br />cultural and natural heritage. This program now includes community and neighborhood <br />designation, an annual grants program, and annual Presidential Awards. <br />Purpose <br />"Preserve America is intended to stir interest in learning about our Nation's heritage, recognize <br />and support ongoing local preservation efforts, and encourage people to take advantage of the <br />great cultural and natural assets of our country to improve economic health and the quality of life <br />in our communities." <br />Recognition <br />The Preserve America Program provides recognition for communities that: <br />► Protect and celebrate their heritage, <br />► Use their historic assets for economic development and community revitalization, and <br />► Encourage people to experience and appreciate local historic resources through education <br />and heritage tourism programs. <br />Benefits of Participation <br />► White House recognition & certificate, <br />► A Preserve America Community road sign, <br />► Local use of the Preserve America logo, <br />► Listing in the Preserve America on-line community directory, <br />► Inclusion in national and regional press releases, <br />► Official notification of the community's designation to State tourism offices and visitor <br />bureaus, <br />► Enhanced community visibility and pride, <br />► Eligibility for annual Preserve America grants, <br />► Eligibility for annual Presidential Awards, <br />► Other benefits still being developed. <br />Eligibility for Designation <br />► Neighborhoods in cities of population greater than 200,000, <br />► Cities and towns, incorporated or not, <br />► Townships, <br />► Counties, <br />► Federally recognized Indian tribes. <br />