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214 B. TREASURER'S REPORT <br />215 Accepted into the record as presented. <br />216 C. STAFF REPORTS <br />217 1. Correspondence <br />Ml 8 Two thank you notes were shared with Commissioners. <br />M9 2. Director — Catherine Hostetler <br />220 Distributed to Commission. <br />221 3. Assistant Director — Amy Herdman <br />222 Distributed to Commission. <br />223 4. Legal Counsel — Shawn Peterson <br />224 None. <br />225 <br />226 D. COMMITTEE REPORTS <br />227 1. President's Report — Tim Klusczinski <br />228 President Klusczinski reports that he's often approached and asked if in fact <br />229 Marquette is "safe?". The short answer is that for now it is, and President <br />230 Klusczinski wishes to thank and congratulate all of those on the HPC, or affiliated <br />231 with the HPC who contributed to this effort. President Klusczinski reviewed the <br />232 most recent developments in the effort: Common Council votes 5-3 to designate <br />233 Marquette a historic landmark on November 26, 2007, Mayor Luecke issues a letter <br />234 to Common Council on December 5, 2007 detailing his intent to veto the landmark <br />235 status and enumerating his rationale, by a 6-3 vote on December 10, 2007 Common <br />236 Council nullified the Mayor's veto per the legal opinion submitted to them by their <br />237 appointed counsel; and so for now, Marquette is "safe". President Klusczinski and <br />.238 Director Hostetler participated in a meeting with the SBCSC and members of <br />239 Common Council to attempt compromise on this matter. During those meetings it <br />240 was suggested that non-contributing additions at Marquette could be removed, as <br />241 well as the deteriorating chimney, as a measure of compromise and progress. <br />g 12 Despite that, and despite the mayor's directive (in the text of his veto explanation) <br />3 to revisit the option of renovation and to perform more extensive "value <br />244 engineering" before the bond is considered in February, SBCSC continues to <br />245 pursue new construction exclusively. President Klusczinski also wished everyone <br />246 very happy holidays. <br />247 <br />248 2. Nominating Committee — Joann Sporleder, Chair <br />249 Chairwoman Sporleder reported that the Nominating Committee met on Tuesday <br />250 December a at 12N. Commissioners Sporleder, Chase, and Patrick were in <br />251 attendance. The following slate of officers is presented by the committee: Tim <br />252 Klusczinski, President, Lynn Patrick, Vice President, Mary Jane Chase, Treasurer, <br />253 Jerry Ujdak, Secretary. <br />254 Moved: Sporleder Second: Zeiger <br />255 To elect 2008 officers as presented. Approved Unanimously <br />256 <br />257 III. OLD BUSINESS <br />258 Advisory Board — VP Patrick was asked about progress in contacting and meeting with <br />259 those that had accepted a seat on the Advisory Board (as discussed at the 10/15/07 meeting <br />260 of the HPC). VP Patrick has only been able to contact 2 out of approximately 18 that <br />261 accepted and agreed to serve on the Advisory Board. VP Patrick is aware of an interested <br />262 candidate for the soon -to -be -vacant Architectural Historian seat on the Commission. <br />263 IV. NEW BUSINESS <br />264 <br />265 V. HEARING OF VISITORS <br />M Don Sporleder was recognized and wished everyone a Merry Christmas. <br />