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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - June 6, 1997 <br />5. OLD BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />b. Commission approval requested for <br />proposal from Heptagon, Inc. for <br />professional services in the Airport <br />Economic Development Area. <br />Ms. Kolata noted that this proposal is for <br />$675.00 to design and produce an ad for <br />"The Yardage Book ". She stated that <br />the golf carts at Blackthorn Golf Course <br />will have a book installed on each of <br />them. The book will show each hole in <br />color and it will include tips on how to <br />play them. Also, it will indicate where <br />the traps for each hole are located. The <br />Yardage Book will also have a <br />Blackthorn Corporate Park Directory <br />Page. The staff recommends accepting <br />the proposal from Heptagon, Inc. <br />Upon a motion by Ms. Auburn, <br />seconded by Ms. Schwartz and <br />unanimously carried, the Commission <br />accepted the proposal from Heptagon, <br />Inc. for professional services in the <br />Airport Economic Development Area. <br />Ms. Kolata asked permission to add item <br />6.1. and 6.m. to the agenda. There were <br />no objections and items 6.1. and 6.m. <br />were added. <br />6. NEW BUSINESS <br />a. Public Hearing on Resolution No. 1507. <br />Ms. Kolata noted that this public hearing <br />is on the bond issue for the renovation of <br />the Morris Performing Arts Center. She <br />ANN <br />H:\ HOME\ CPHIPPS \WPDATA \COMMSN\060697.MIN -5- <br />COMMISSION ACCEPTED THE PROPOSAL FROM <br />HEPTAGON, INC. FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES <br />IN THE AIRPORT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT <br />AREA <br />ITEMS 6.L. AND 6.M. WERE ADDED TO THE <br />AGENDA <br />