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Patrick: Likewise, even the Commission might feel that we need to table if it's <br />something particularly complex, if someone absent has some particular <br />knowledge of, something where we feel that someone's expertise would be <br />valuable in rendering a decision about, so I agree with you that there's no <br />downside. <br />Sassano: Right, my point is just that we're sure that there's no downside for the <br />public. <br />Patrick: Right, no I don't think that we are. <br />Sassano: Right, it's either that there's no meeting, or you come and if you don't <br />like the results you wait til next time. <br />Patrick: I'd like to add that we're very conscious of our responsibility to the <br />public, we're very service oriented and we do factor in the urgency of the <br />request, the particular project, etc. Many of our constituents are very eager to <br />initiate these projects which are valid and worthy and do not compromise the <br />historicality of a particular structure. <br />Chase: Do you need a motion? <br />Klusczinski: Chair would accept a motion. <br />Chase: I'll make a motion that we accept the language that was presented by our <br />President. <br />Riley: Second. <br />Klusczinski: The motion has been made and seconded, any further discussion? <br />Meteiver: We'll have to table that motion until the second meeting. We can't... <br />Klusczinski: Is it to accept the language? <br />Sassano: You have to have two meetings? <br />Meteiver: Yes, you have to have two meetings. The by -laws require two separate <br />meetings. That's why we called the meeting for 5:45. So we adjourn this <br />meeting... <br />Riley: So don't we vote on this and then pass it on to the next one? <br />Meteiver: No. The motion is made to accept it, and it's seconded, so now we <br />have to wait for public comment. <br />Patrick: Ok, <br />Meteiver: And then once we have our public comment and then adjourn and then <br />we have the second meeting. <br />Klusczinski: Larry, I was under the impression that this meeting would be to <br />accept the language and the second meeting would be to adopt the language and <br />include it with the by laws. <br />Meteiver: If you want to do it that way, that's fine. <br />Patrick: Do we need to keep the tape recorder on due to the fact that we don't <br />have no member of the public wishing to make comment? <br />Klusczinski: We'll do it anyway. <br />Meteiver: You do need to call for public comment. <br />Riley: Go out on the street. <br />Sassano: Anybody here? <br />Klusczinski: Any member of the public wishing to speak in support of the current <br />petition? Hearing none, any member of the public wishing to speak in <br />opposition? Also, hearing none, Chair closes public hearing. Motion is made <br />and seconded. The motion is, if I may paraphrase Mary Jane, was to accept the <br />language that was offered. <br />Chase: Yes. <br />Klusczinski: Very good. All those in favor indicate by saying Aye. <br />Riley: But you didn't start the new meeting. <br />3 <br />