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correspondence. In it he makes the suggestion that, "a quorum shall consist of a majority of the <br />duly appointed and serving members, provided that a quorum shall never be less than three (3) <br />members. " <br />I ask that you consider this language, in its current form, as a suitable replacement for the current <br />definition of quorum appearing in the bylaws under ARTICLE 4 MEETINGS Section 3. <br />Patrick: Ilike your wording, I agree. It makes perfect sense. lam in favor of this <br />amendment. <br />Riley: I also agree. <br />Sassano: It seems to me that the current language poses potential unintended <br />negative consequences on the public. I certainly see no negative effects to <br />changing the language, only positive. <br />Chase: With the sincerity of all of the members that we do have and that we <br />would anticipate, Id think that 3 members would be sufficient because they could <br />speak for the Board. <br />Klusczinski: And that's worst case scenario too. <br />Sassano: Quorum would then become four? <br />Klusczinski: Well, worst case scenario if the quorum level can not be less than 3 <br />members, that would mean that we couldn't drop below S members on the Board. <br />Sassano: And right now there's how many members currently appointed? <br />Klusczinski: Seven. <br />Sassano: So at 7, the quorum is 4. <br />Klusczinski: It could be 4. Right now it's 5... <br />Patrick: I thought that it could be 3. I thought that you said not less than 3. <br />Sassano: If we adopt this language, the current count, the quorum would be 4, <br />we'd go from S to... <br />Patrick: But if I died tomorrow, or someone should die or be unable to serve in <br />that capacity then the quorum would go to 3. <br />Sassano: Right. Hence, there can never be less than 6 members, or S, that's still <br />the majority. <br />Chase: But still with the people that we have I still think that they could give <br />honest and sufficientjudgment on anything. I think that everyone is quite serious <br />about what they do. <br />Riley: I only have one question, and I shouldn't even question you, but my feeling <br />was that "consists of the duly appointed and serving", I would think that it <br />would say "sitting" members. <br />Meteiver: "Sitting" is what we'd originally talked about, and with discussions <br />particularly with Aladean, she felt that the language that we've proposed here is <br />a little bit more concise. <br />Sassano: "Serving" implies engaged. <br />Meteiver: Mm -hmm. <br />Sassano: It seems to me that you could lay that ground work if you ever had to. <br />Not that you'd ever have to. Let's just say that we ever end up at a meeting with <br />only 3 people or even 4, anyone coming before us could always request a tabling <br />if they felt that they needed more members there. <br />Meteiver: They certainly could. <br />Sassano: So there's really no down side from that perspective, that somebody <br />might think that 'hey I'm getting a raw deal here, but in fact that person is <br />perfectly within their rights to say that I want to come back next month... and in <br />truth, if there were only 3, they'd have to be back next month anyway. <br />2 <br />