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Sassano: May I ask for a point of order since it takes 5 to have a quorum? I'm friends with <br />the petitioners, is it typical, how do we deal with that here? Do we recuse ourselves? <br />Klusczinski: Well, the other thing that we should note is that Lynn Patrick has arrived. So <br />we have a quorum. <br />Sassano: Even though I have no interest, I have no real knowledge of it, but I am good <br />friends with them... how do we, is it typical to recuse ourselves? <br />Metiever: In this situation, if you have any type of financial interest, then you would <br />certainly want to recuse yourself If you believe that you have a bias that would override <br />your reasonable consideration then you should recuse yourself, but if you're merely <br />acquainted with... <br />Sassano: I'm more concerned about appearances really. Ok, I'm good. <br />Klusczinski: If the petitioners could come up here by this chair, we have to pick everything <br />upon the microphone. You're allowed to make a briefpresentation and please state your <br />name and address for the record. <br />M Neal: Mark and Kathleen Neal. I think that Mrs. Hostetler adequately explained what <br />we've proposed for our building shed. Putting it in the back of the property amongst the <br />trees that are already there. It won't be visible from the street and we're looking to match <br />the design of the house; color, style and pitch of the roof. We expect that it will be well <br />incorporated into the rest of the property. <br />Klusczinski: Anything to add? <br />K Neal: After a winter like this, it would be really nice to fit a car in our three car garage <br />which is presently full of garden equipment, bikes, scooters, basketballs and things, <br />so ... we've done everything that 1 think that we could to try to make it fit in. <br />Klusczinski: If there are no other comments then the Chair recognizes questions for the <br />petitioner or staff. Hearing none. Any Commission discussion? <br />Riley: Looks like a nice plan. <br />Klusczinski: Very good. Chair opens public hearing portion. Any member of the public <br />wishing to speak in support of the current petition? Hearing none, seeing none. Any <br />member of the public wishing to speak in opposition of the current petition? Also hearing <br />and seeing none, Chair closes the public hearing portion. Any other comments before we <br />close? Alright, Chair entertains a motion. <br />Patrick: I'd like to make a motion to approve application 2008 -0304. <br />Riley: Second. <br />Klusczinski: Motion has been made and seconded, any discussion? Hearing none. All in <br />favor? (Ayes are heard) Opposed? (Silence) Motion carries unanimously on C of A <br />2008 -0304. <br />Moved: Patrick Second: Riley <br />To approve 2008 -0304 Approved 6 — 0 unanimously <br />Application Number: 2008 -0306 <br />Property Location: Leeper Park West <br />Property Owner: City of South Bend <br />Landmark/District Designation: Landscape Landmark and National Register <br />STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE/HISTORIC CONTEXT: Leeper Park is a designed landscape <br />located north of the downtown commercial district of the city. The park was designed by renowned <br />landscape designer George Kessler in 1912. According to the text of National Register nomination the <br />Kessler era ranged from 1912 -1923; 1924 -1940: implementation of the Kessler plan including additions <br />through WPA era improvements. The Kessler Plan also guided the development of active recreation <br />facilities for Leeper Park. In 1915 tennis courts, baseball and football fields and a playground were <br />developed in the western section of the Park. A 1500 foot toboggan run was also a feature of this portion of <br />the park. Leeper Park was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2000 <br />2 <br />