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Y" 1 MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE <br />ā€”2 HISTORIC-PRESERVATION COMMISSION <br />3 OF SOUTH BEND & SAINT JOSEPH COUNTY <br />March 17, 2008 - DRAFT <br />1P Floor Conference Room <br />County ā€” City Building, South Bend, Indiana <br />Members Present: Timothy Klusczinski, Mary Jane Chase, Lynn Patrick (late arrival), Linda Riley, <br />David Sassano (late arrival), Todd Zeiger <br />Members Absent: Jerry Ujdak <br />Staff Present: Catherine Hostetler, Amy Herdman, Larry Metiever <br />Also Present: Mark, Kathleen and Sarah Neal, Carl Littrell, Pat Carnahan, Al Greek (sp ?) <br />CALL TO ORDER, ROLL CALL: President Tim Klusczinski called to order at 7:08 pm. <br />Quorum was not established when meeting was called to order. <br />7:20 pm: Quorum established upon arrival of Commissioner Sassano; 7:22 pm: Vice President Patrick arrives. <br />I. PUBLIC HEARING <br />Application Number: 2008 -0304 <br />Property Location: ' 1329 East Washington Street <br />Property Owner: Kathleen and Mark Neal <br />Landmark or District Designation: Local Landmark <br />Rating: Outstanding <br />STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCEMISTORIC CONTEXT: This Tudor Revival home was <br />designed by the firm of Austin and Shambleau for Joseph Maxwell Stephenson in 1923. He lived there <br />until his death in 1946. The house was then sold to Eugene O'Brien, Vice President of the O'Brien <br />Varnish Company. The home was landmarked on October 25, 1982. <br />APPLICATION ITEMS: Replace previously existing garden shed along rear of property (Exhibit A.) <br />Structure designed to mirror Tudor style and colors of house. See attached specifications and drawings <br />of customized shed (Exhibit B). Outer Spaces, Inc. of Granger, Contractor (Exhibit D). <br />LANDMARK STANDARDS, GROUP B: Building Site and Landscaping 1. Required: Major <br />landscaping items, trees, fencing, walkways, private yard lights, signs (house numbers) and benches <br />which reflect the property's history and development shall be retained. Dominant land contours shall <br />be retained. Structures such as: gazebos, patio decks, fixed barbecue pits, swimming pools, tennis <br />courts, greenhouses, new alls, fountains, fixed garden furniture, trellises and other similar structures <br />shall be compatible to the historic character of the site and neighborhood and inconspicuous when <br />viewed from a public way. 2. Recommended: New site work should be based upon actual knowledge <br />of the past appearance of the property found in photographs, drawings and newspapers. Plant materials <br />and trees in closed proximity to the building that are causing deterioration to the buildings historic <br />fabric should be removed. However, trees and plant materials that must be removed should be <br />immediately replaced by suitable flora. Front yard areas should not be fences except in cases where <br />historic documentation would indicate such fencing appropriate. Fencing should be in character with <br />the building style, materials and scale. <br />RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval. The construction of the new shed is in the <br />approximate foot print of previous garden shed (Exhibit C). Since there is no documentation of what <br />the previous garden shed looked like, the staff finds the current design appropriate since it mirrors some <br />of the architectural features of the house, i.eā€ž wider trim pieces and framing around the double doors, <br />wider corner boards (Exhibit B). Since this structure will be located at the rear of the property along a <br />vacated alleyway and situated in the mature landscaping it should not be noticeable from the street. <br />