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Patrick: And who might that be? <br />Maradik: The property development specialist on staff or even Karen Ainsley the <br />Executive Director. <br />Patrick: Who's the property development specialist on stajj? <br />Maradik: His name is Jeff Stanifer (sp ?). <br />Patrick: Is there a reason why he's not here tonight? <br />Maradik: He could not make it tonight. <br />Zeiger: Just curious do you know who put the bid in for the windows? <br />Maradik: I believe his name is Steven... <br />Zeiger: Schoberg? <br />Maradik: Yes, I believe that's right. <br />Zeiger: Just for the Commission's information I had another project, similar size bid, <br />and he was about, when you factor in storm windows, pretty close. <br />Klusczinski: Wow, outrageous. Any other discussion? <br />Sporleder: Not that it's relevant, but Ijust spent the last two weeks restoring two double <br />hung windows in my house and I probably should disqualify myself from further <br />discussions because I have an absolutely hate for those windows. <br />Klusczinski: So you're not an expert? <br />Sporleder: I am an absolute expert in every detail of restoring double hung windows. <br />Zeiger: I have a question about the Kolbe and Kolbe units are these the one with just the <br />jamb liner, in other words they're just sash and they have a liner on the side? Are you <br />familiar with the actual package? It would be helpful to have a clarification on that at <br />least as follow up information, so if we do approve that, we'd at least know what we're <br />talking about. I would not be in favor of a unit that's coming in with an entirely new <br />frame which sometimes they do. Kolbe makes a sash kit that you are essentially <br />swapping out the sash but leaving the jambs and everything else in place, a pretty slick <br />system in that regard, and wouldn't diminish the size of the opening and/or the window <br />so from the exterior you don't notice anything different, the front stop stays the same- it's <br />pretty slick. Marvin makes them, others make them, but since you're using Kolbe 1 just <br />mentioned them. <br />Klusczinski: Very good. Any other discussion? <br />Sporleder: Are we going to try to treat this as the other one? <br />Zeiger: With regard to the siding? <br />Sporleder: Are we giving permission to do everything? <br />Klusczinski: I'm not sure that we can do that until we get the public's input on it. <br />Zeiger: Got to get the public in on it. <br />Klusczinski: With that, I open public hearing, is there any member of the public wishing <br />to speak in support of the petition? Hearing none, is there any member of the public <br />wishing to speak in opposition? I close public hearing. I had a brilliant idea that we <br />should try to mirror the other proposal as far as the siding goes... <br />Sporleder: Sounds good to me. <br />Klusczinski: Does stafffeel the need to defend their opinion on the condition of the <br />original windows as candidates for restoration? Maybe what we need to do is charge <br />Standards and Maintenance with making an investigation on site for this one as well, and <br />brings that determination here pending any replacement option. <br />Hostetler: We were not aware.... Wayne went out and took pictures of them and it <br />appeared that the storms were aluminum but that everything else appeared to be original <br />from the photographs. I don't see any reason why we couldn't all go out and look at <br />them. <br />Doolittle: The inspection was done from the outside, and the second story windows I <br />couldn't really see. I'm sure that there were some that were added, but they're all wood <br />and all double hung. They had many layers of paint and that's what lead me to say that <br />they're original windows, they're really alligatored and they need a lot of work to do that <br />but my objection was that I think that they're original. Some others may have been <br />15 <br />