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MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE <br />HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION <br />OF SOUTH BEND & SAINT JOSEPH COUNTY <br />December 19, 2005 <br />County -City Building, South Bend <br />Council Chambers, 4"' Floor <br />Members Present: Lynn Patrick [President], Martha Choitz [Vice -President], Mary Jane Chase <br />[Secretary], Joann Sporleder [Architectural Historian], Todd Zeiger, Timothy Klusczinski, Catherine <br />Hostetler <br />Members Absent: Jerry Ujdak, Diane Wrobel-Illes <br />Staff Present: Catherine Hostetler [Director], Julie Schutte [Assistant Director], Shawn Peterson [Legal <br />Counsel] <br />Also Present: Kate Ravin, John Sitter, Don Sporleder, Karen Ainsley, Douglas Merrit, Robert Rodes, <br />Diana Mattias, Ken Fedder, Abraham Marcus <br />I. CALL TO ORDER, ROLL CALL: Lynn Patrick called the meeting to order at 7:33 pm. <br />Todd Zeiger moved to suspend the agenda to New Business. Mary Jane Chase seconded the motion. <br />All were in favor, and the motion passed. <br />NEW BUSINESS <br />1. Reconsideration of COA 2005-1104A, 840 Park Avenue <br />Shawn Peterson noted that a formal denial of the certificate of appropriateness with the agreement <br />not to prosecute had been drafted for the Commission's consideration. <br />Todd Zeiger: I motion that we affirm our denial in form presented and agreed, to allow the <br />inappropriate structure pursuant to the form of denial presented. Mary Jane Chase seconded the <br />motion. It passed with six in favor and one abstention; Joann Sporleder. <br />Todd Zeiger moved to return to the agenda. Catherine Hostetler seconded the motion and it passed <br />unanimously. <br />Shawn Peterson asked the Commission members to sign the denial before moving to the next item. <br />Robert Rodes, attorney for the owners, and Diana Mattias were present. The Commission members <br />signed the form at this time. <br />II. PUBLIC HEARING <br />A. CERTIFICATES OF APPROPRIATENESS <br />1. Any Reconsidered Certificates of Appropriateness (There were none.) <br />2. 2300 Portage Avenue: 2005-1028 <br />Catherine Hostetler: We received a fax from May, Oberfell & Lorber requesting us to continue the <br />hearing on the gatehouse until Monday, January 23, 2006. If I could have a motion, then, to table <br />this. <br />