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ALADEAN DEROSE: John, the only concern I have, is whether you are within when <br />that. forty-five day time limit expires. <br />JOHN OXIAN: Number 4, under Old Business, is under a six'month protection. <br />Number 5, I talked with the owner after the meeting on Friday and he stated it was ok. <br />Number 6, has already been asked to be tabled until the December meeting. , <br />CATHERINE HOSTETLER: John, are you sure you want to table number 5? <br />JOHN OXIAN: Yes. <br />CATHERINE HOSTETLER: The owner did not express that to us. <br />JOHN OXIAN: I talked to him after the meeting on Friday and I asked him after <br />everyone left: He was talking to me about how well I was dressed for that time of the <br />year and we were talking about it and I mentioned to him that I am going to make a <br />recommendation that the Bergen Building be tabled. I also talked with Bob Yapp, earlier <br />and we would like to make"a recommendation on which parts of the building, if we go <br />ahead with demolition should be saved and can be approved at that time also. <br />CATHERINE HOSTETLER: I am passing out Bob Yapp's report. <br />JOHN OXIAN: That's another thing; I haven't seen Bob Yapp's report yet. <br />CATHERINE HOSTETLER: We just got it this afternoon. <br />JOHN OXIAN: That's another reason I would table this. I don't have to justify myself <br />and my committee report to you, Catherine. <br />CATHERINE HOSTETLER: I know that, I am just letting you know that I'm passing <br />out Bob Yapp's report and the owner is here also. <br />LYNN PATRICK: If the owner is here, then I would like to hear from the owner if that <br />is what he would like us to do: <br />TODD ZEIGER: Are you referring to number 5? <br />-LYNN PATRICK: Yes. If the owner is here and wants us to table this, won't that get <br />us around the forty-five day rule, Aladean? <br />ALADEAN DEROSE: Yes, if that is what he wants to do. <br />PAUL SCHMITT: I am the owner of J.C. Lauber Sheet Metal Co. I know you talked <br />about tabling this to me; but, if that was really going to be that way, and you said you <br />may do it, you did not say you were absolutely going to do it; then why did I even come <br />here tonight? <br />JOHN OXIAN: I was going to get back with you on that and maybe go through the <br />committee and possibly let you know ahead of time if we were going to go with <br />demolition and there are some other things I want to see happen concerning the building. <br />In other words, if we go with demolition then I want to see parts of the building saved <br />and I can't do that in this short period of time. <br />LYNN PATRICK: It can be stated within the context of the C of A what is to be saved <br />and what is to be done to the building as it states in this last paragraph of Bob Yapp's <br />letter. Did Paul get a copy of this? <br />CATHERINE HOSTETLER: No, we just got it this afternoon. <br />LYNN PATRICK: He might like to see this then. <br />TODD ZEIGER: Since the petitioner is already here, I think we should go ahead with <br />number 5, 502 East LaSalle. I don't have any'objections to tabling number 6 under New <br />Business because I think that was going to be withdrawn anyway and number 4 under <br />Old Business. <br />JOHN OXIAN: Then I will withdraw my motion on C of A number 5 then. <br />17 <br />