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WAYNE DOOLITTLE: The only thing you're looking at was to cover the body of the <br />house. You had to incorporate the trim and put it back on. <br />JOHN OXIAN: Not much of the trim is missing; because, during this time period of <br />aluminum siding very little of the trim was removed; usually it was just covered over. It <br />is later on that your siding really takes out the trim. <br />I will make a motion that this C of A be denied and that the owner comes back with a <br />new proposal with the help of the staff and the inspector and we go from there. <br />ALADEAN DEROSE: The motion has to be that the C of A that you previously issued <br />be revoked. <br />JOHN OXIAN: That's what I said. I accept the staff report and that the previous C of A <br />be revoked and that the owner then work with the staff and the inspector and come back <br />with a new C of A on what should be the right way to do this. <br />DIANE WROBEL-ILLES: Seconds the motion and it passes unanimously. <br />TODD ZEIGER: Aladean, under this discussion do we have to do the same thing as far <br />as articulating the reasons like we did on the previous C of A? <br />ALADEAN DEROSE: You can incorporate the staff's rationale. <br />JOHN OXIAN: Do each one of us have to give a reason or can I give a reason for all of <br />us? <br />ALADEAN DEROSE: The person who makes the motion should give the reason why. <br />JOHN OXIAN: I will make the reason being that the statement that was originally made <br />by the owner that the under siding of the building, the original siding, was rotted and it <br />was so stated and as was stated on the tape that was played and then put into the minutes. <br />That is. not true and the staff now states the reason why and that is what I used as the <br />reason to ask for the revocation of the earlier C of A. <br />John Oxian makes the motion and Diane Wrobel-Illes seconds the motion and it <br />passes unanimously. <br />LYNN PATRICK: Are you clear with the decision that was made, Mr. Anderson? <br />KENT ANDERSON: I don't know what I am going to do. I don't know if I am going <br />to have to sell the house and move or what. <br />LYNN PATRICK: That's why I am asking you if you are clear about the decision that <br />was made. <br />KENT ANDERSON: Yes, you denied me putting up the aluminum siding. <br />LYNN PATRICK: No, that is not what we said. We revoked this C of A and we asked <br />that you work with the inspector and staff to put together a new C of A that is very <br />explicit regarding what is to be left exposed, what is to be painted, and what is to be <br />sided. So we found a middle ground for you. <br />TODD ZEIGER: The previous approval was very vague on all of that detail; because, <br />we had a long conversation about the trim. <br />Lynn Patrick stated that she would try and talk with Mr. Anderson some more about this <br />matter after the meeting adjourned. <br />5. 502 East LaSalle -Bergen Building Local Landmark Demolition <br />JOHN OXIAN: I would like to make a motion to table number 5 and number 6 under <br />Certificates of Appropriateness and under Old Business number 4, until the December <br />meeting at which time the Landmarks Committee will make a recommendation on all <br />three of these buildings. <br />16 <br />