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Lynn Patrick: I'd like to open the public hearing portion by recognizing any member of the public <br />who wishes to speak on the matter. We'll have five minutes or less and I'd like to have anyone <br />wishing to speak line up so we can expedite this because we're starting to run long on our meeting. <br />Joseph Taschetta: My name is Joseph Taschetta and my wife and I live at 1029 Riverside Drive. <br />We're some of those people who are going to be right across the street from this boondoggle we've <br />been talking about. I'm sorry that my wife can't make it today, but she asked me to speak on her . <br />behalf also. And, it's very frustrating number one, I just found out about this on Saturday through the <br />mail and I found out about this meeting yesterday. So I don't know what the big hurry is. I think it is <br />too bad. What I want to say is: Pm very proud of South Bend. I was bom here. I left at six months: <br />I came back when I was 50. I'm very proud of this place, always have been and we had a lot of, <br />greens and I see a lot of them being taken away.I see a parking lot now where the Madison School <br />used to be and I think enough is enough. Taken too much of our greens away. This is a beautiful, <br />beautiful park across the street there on Riverside. And it's the last of the wilderness that we have <br />within the city. You can actually walk down there on your own without a pathway, without stairs and <br />enjoy. People go there for retreats, for meditation. I go down there to paint and its just beautiful. <br />And if this thing comes about, it's going to be destroyed and we're never going to see what we had <br />again. It's just going to be a terrible eyesore, this ramp going down into the river. The reason my <br />wife and I moved to Riverside is for this park, for the natural beauty of it and it is gorgeous. But this <br />is the last that we have in South Bend. Please don't take it away. <br />As far as the engineers go. I'm an engineer and I know there are alternatives and I'd like to see these <br />people, these engineers, thinking outside the box. We have a lot of alternatives that we could have. <br />Some of them were already discussed. The river is very low at certain times. It could be worked on <br />there. Why not come in from the North Shore, and do the work from there rather than this terrible .. <br />ramp you're talking about. And a barge, there are alternatives. What's the big hurry? This has been _ <br />going on since the year 2000 and all of a sudden we've got to rush to this. It doesn't make any sense. <br />And the final thing is if you do this you're going to rape this beautiful, beautiful park, natural setting, <br />that we have. I plead with you, please, vote no. Thank you. <br />Brendan Crumlish: Hello. I'm Brendan Crumlish. I'm a property owner at 1021 Riverside directly <br />across from this proposed work. I have here a letter I received six years ago that I received from the <br />Army Corps of Engineers in Detroit. I received it by certified mail. I received this letter in 2000. It <br />outlined the work at this CSO #6 and also some additional work in Leeper Park and then along North <br />Shore Boulevard. I'd like to note that I think this designation of Emergency is somewhat dubious. <br />This designation was outlined in the second sentence here: "Emergency riverbank protection is <br />authorized by the Federal Flood Control Act of 1946." This was in September of 2000. <br />On page 5 of this document, I'd like to read a couple paragraphs. "Paragraph 2.11: Miscellaneous <br />Project Details. The proposed construction of bank protection at three sites along the Saint Joseph <br />River, South Bend, Indiana may require construction of one or more temporary structures, temporary <br />placement of clean construction material, site access or temporary work and storage instead of or in <br />addition to those noted above. All temporary facilities would be at US ACE approved locations <br />upland or in water. Outside of any wetland areas known to contain federal or state protected species, <br />or their critical habitat, or properties listed on or eligible for listing on the National Register of <br />Historic Places or state - listed properties." <br />"Paragraph 2.12. The type and location of temporary structures and/or construction aides cannot be <br />determined at this time since they are incidental to the work being performed. Examples include <br />turnarounds, work and storage areas, access ramps and office facilities. Such structures would <br />include appropriate precautionary measures to prevent erosion and sedimentation, or other <br />March 20, 2006 HPC Minutes .doc [Preliminary] Page 9 <br />