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Martha Choitz: The people, who live on Riverside Drive facing the water, what are they going to <br />see? What are you going to put there on the top level? Is it going to be as high as Shetterley is now? <br />Jason Durr: We asked Brent what would be a good fit for some trees out there and he suggested <br />using a Bald Cypress tree, large caliper two to three inch calp. Now they're going to be smaller now, <br />but they will grow up. He also suggested the Sycamore trees, which are existing in that area also. <br />We like to alternate species in order to avoid lose of trees in case there is a disease or something that <br />affects the trees in that area. I 8ked him if it would be possible to look at larger trees, larger caliper <br />trees. He indicated to me that a larger tree tends to go into shock when it is transplanted, four -inch, <br />five -inch diameter tree. And the two- to three -inch tree actually outgrows the five -inch tree within a <br />year. <br />Martha Choitz: Do you think it's going to be an attractive nuisance down there? How are you going <br />to protect it? <br />Jason Durr: Well, we are trying to spread out the trees in order to block out the ramp as much as <br />possible. I mean it's going to take a while to grow up the canopy. We'll even look at adding more <br />trees. We're not adverse to that. We just want to make sure that the trees were appropriate for the <br />location. So if you want us to double the trees up at the top from nine to eighteen that's something <br />we're willing to do. It.'s not a point of contention for us. We would just ask that at the location of the <br />12' pathway that that is clear. As for a nuisance to get down to the bottom of the hill, I know what's <br />at the bottom of that hill. It's a Combined Sewer Overflow. I don't know if other people do know <br />that. There is a chance for sewage to be coming out of that outfall and it's probably not a good place <br />for anybody to be down there. We do have to have a sign out there that actually says a CSO and <br />that's by law that we have that sign out there. I guess I don't know what kept people from going <br />down there in the first place, if it was the steep slope or not. I guess the same situation would be that <br />there is a sewer outfall at the bottom of that hill. <br />Martha Choitz: Reflects about the past projects and problems in the area. <br />Jason Durr: Our intention is to make this a permanent fix. We don't want to come back here and do <br />this again. I want to make sure that this is fixed and this is resolved with this project. That is our <br />goal in this. I'm not familiar with the project twenty years ago to find out what they did wrong. <br />Mary Jane Chase: What materials will the railing be made out of? <br />Jason Durr: The railing? <br />Mary Jane Chase: Yes, the railing that is shown here. <br />Steve Ernst: For the structure it will be a Schedule A steel welded railing bolted to the structure. <br />Mary Jane Chase: Okay, aluminum colored, something that will be really noticeable? <br />Steve Ernst: It can be painted whatever color. It can be painted brown, something that will blend in. <br />Mary Jane Chase: It's understandable that you will need it; however, would that be an attraction? <br />I'm just wondering if we're creating an attraction. <br />Jason Durr: We put signs up at the top of the hill that say CSO outfall. We try to warn people about <br />staying away from there. I'm not going to put a flashing that says: "Come down here, please." <br />But, it's possible I suppose. <br />March 20, 2006 HPC Minutes_Monthly .doc [Preliminary] Page 8 <br />