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V. NEW BUSINESS <br />1. Approval of Inspector's contract <br />2. Approval of Transcriber's Contract <br />CATHERINE HOSTETLER: We have the inspector's contract and the transcriber's <br />contract to go over and if you wish to approve them or extend them for another year. <br />LYNN PATRICK: I will make a motion that we modify number four to read," HPC and <br />Mr. Doolittle anticipate that Mr. Doolittle will provide at least four but not more thirty <br />hours of service per week versus the fifteen as previously stated". On number eight that <br />we modify it to read, "HPC may modify this contract or terminate Mr. Doolittle's <br />services at any time provided that the HPC notifies him in writing within forty-eight <br />hours of its decision to modify this contract or terminate his services". <br />GERALD UJDAK: Seconds the motion and it passes unanimously. <br />CATHERINE HOSTETLER: We have the transcriber's service contract. <br />GERALD UJDAK: Is there any difference in this contract than the original one? <br />CATHERINE HOSTETLER: No, as far as I know every thing has stayed the same. <br />LYNN PATRICK: I would like to make one amendment similar to what we just did on <br />Wayne's contract. On item number six where it reads now that the HPC may terminate; I <br />would like to say that the HPC may modify or terminate Mrs. Oxian's services at any <br />time provided that the HPC notifies her in writing within forty-eight hours of its decision <br />to modify or terminate. <br />MARY JANE CHASE: Seconds the motion and it passes. John Oxian abstains. <br />3. Review/re-adoption of "tentative" Preservation Plan before 12/31/2004 <br />CATHERINE HOSTETLER: This is the preservation plan and every five years we <br />have to review it and readopt it. This is the last one and I have stamped draft all over it. <br />We are going to have to go through it and then it is going to be reprinted. John Oxian <br />also has a list of corrections, additions, and deletions that need to be put in there, plus <br />there are two pages right at the beginning of it that have at least twenty corrections and <br />additions that have not been put into the proper areas since 1998. <br />JOHN OXIAN: I have talked this over with Catherine and this has to be a draft because <br />once we make any changes or anything with this we have to go down to the common <br />council for their approval so it can be put into the preservation plan booklet. These <br />changes have to be given to both the common council and the county council for their <br />approval in order for them to be included in the preservation plan. <br />CATHERINE HOSTETLER: What time frame are you looking at for this? <br />JOHN OXIAN: I think that we should do this before the end of the year if possible. I <br />want all of you to look over this rough draft of the preservation plan before our next <br />meeting. If you see any corrections that you think should be in here let Catherine know <br />so we can have them added and if you see any mistakes let her know also and then we <br />can have our meeting and the committee can sit down and put this together and then we <br />will send it to the council. <br />CATHERINE HOSTETLER: So before November 15`h everyone is going to have a <br />look at this and go over it for any corrections, additions, omissions, errors, or deletions. <br />They are to be submitted to me in written form. <br />4. Review and Award of Bids for District Brochure <br />(Covered earlier in the meeting under staff reports, item number 2, grant <br />status) <br />