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JOHN OXIAN: I received some comments from Catherine which I don't necessarily <br />agree with. I also talked with an individual down in the city council with whom I will be <br />having a meeting with very soon regarding this matter. John, you were supposed to give <br />me a report about your meeting with Cathy Brucker; which I didn't hear about for a <br />month. The receivership program is also one that might be worth using on this house. I <br />am going to defer this matter until next month. Truthfully, I don't need to have another <br />approval by this commission for 619 Sherman since it has already been approved twice. <br />I asked Catherine to put this on the agenda because I wanted to hear if anything new was <br />coming up. <br />JOHN LIVINGSTON: I did talk to Cathy Brucker and she has no problem with it. I <br />believe the house has been boarded up since then. <br />JOHN OXIAN: It has been boarded up and if we continue on playing games with it like <br />we have done for two years now; invariably there is not going to be much left of it. <br />LYNN PATRICK: I have one addendum to add to this for the benefit of the <br />commission. When I visited the property on Sunday, a woman from the neighborhood <br />and a man driving by in a truck told me that this property was listed somewhere for sale <br />for rent to own. I have not found that ad or anything about it. Something is going on <br />with this property. The woman I spoke with said that the ad was in the neighborhood <br />newspaper. I went to Lincoln Way Foods and looked around and could not find any <br />neighborhood newspaper. <br />JOHN OXIAN: I receive the neighborhood newspaper /newsletter and the ad is not in <br />there. I am going to go and talk with the neighborhood director, Karen Ainsley, about <br />this and see if she has anything in mind for this property. Maybe I can encourage her to <br />do something with this property since they have been picking up properties around there <br />and further down on Cushing Street. I am going to say to her that there is another half to <br />the neighborhood besides just that area and it is time she makes her move to do so. <br />2. 16977 Adams Interim Protection for Grass Roots Proposal to <br />Landmark 1880 Barn <br />TIMOTHY JANOWIAK: (Refer to white copy of letter sent by Mr. Janowiak to <br />Catherine Hostetler, HPC director, requesting an interim protection for landmark status <br />for an 1880 barn located at 16977 Adams Road in Granger, Indiana). Mr. Janowiak <br />briefly informed the commission that he believes the present owner, Mr. James Sieradzki, <br />plans to destroy the 1880 barn that is on his property to build three new houses. A few <br />years ago, the bam had been restored by Amish craftsmen. It is solid, straight with a field <br />stone foundation; possibly older 1865 -1870. It is beautiful, majestic and should remain <br />part of the neighborhood. There is also a milk house /cooler on the property. It is one of <br />the few barns remaining in Granger. Mr. Janowiak also brought in the original abstract <br />of the property for commission members to look over. The commission asked Mr. <br />Janowiak if he would allow them to make a copy of the original abstract for their office <br />records, and he stated that he would allow them to do so. <br />John Oxian stated that sometime between the late 1970's and the early 1980's he had sent <br />a letter to the owner to make the property a landmark. Since it was one of his earlier <br />landmarks he only tried to make the barn a landmark and not the house. The homeowners <br />denied his request because they wanted both the house and the barn made landmarks. The <br />only way you are going to stop the present owner and make him reconsider is to find out <br />how soon he plans to do this project and then go in for an interim protection. John then <br />