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MARTHA CHOITZ: I move that application 2005 -0331 for the installation of a new <br />marquee for the Morris be approved, as the staff recommended and as represented in the <br />drawings presented by Mr. Andres. <br />JOHN OXIAN: Seconds the motion and it passes unanimously. <br />3. 2005 -0404 — 543 Edgewater Drive <br />CATHERINE HOSTETLER: (See staff report and recommendation in C of A). Doug <br />Tumock was present. (Refer to application items for description of proposed work, <br />sketches, and garage addition list). <br />Doug Tumock stated that there are two parts of the staff recommendation that he <br />disagrees with. <br />1. The reason he was saving the two back walls of the existing garage is because the <br />city suggested that he do that; so that way he would be in -line and would not have <br />to do any variances. If the commission were to give him the ok for this, then he <br />could get a permit from them. <br />2. If he does two garage doors, then that will make it awkward for him to try and get <br />a car in the garage. But, if he does a single door; then he could possibly get two <br />cars in the garage with no problem because he shares the driveway with his <br />neighbors. <br />He also stated that he has somebody lined up to take care of the trees as well. <br />JULIE SCHUTTE: Our understanding is that keeping the two back walls of the garage <br />is a county building provision and not a city building provision. There are one car garage <br />doors that look like two single car garage doors. <br />Doug Tumock stated that he had not decided on what garage door he plans to use yet; <br />because, there are a lot of garage doors to choose from. He also stated that the existing <br />garage door is ready to fall apart and the roof on the garage is about ready to fall apart <br />because of the tree limbs that have fallen on it. <br />JOHN OXIAN: I don't care how many garage doors you have to look at, I want you to <br />follow the recommendation that was made by Julie, our assistant director, to install a <br />single unified car garage door that looks like two separate single car garage doors. <br />LYNN PATRICK: I move regarding 2005 -0404, 543 Edgewater Drive, that Doug <br />Tumock present the following: <br />1. A more comprehensive drawing of the garage to include an accurate <br />representation of the new garage door. <br />2. If at all possible a photo of the door he is going to duplicate or a print out <br />schematic from the door manufacturer. <br />3. He will also include in his revised C of A a photo of the driveway area including <br />the garage, and a second photo, if necessary, to show where the fence will be <br />moved over to include the pie -like concrete area. <br />4. An illustration of where the plants will be moved to. <br />When these materials are provided; the Standards and Maintenance Committee can meet, <br />discuss and if appropriate approve the application so that Doug can begin work prior to <br />the next HPC regular meeting. <br />JOANN SPORLEDER: Seconds the motion and it passes unanimously. <br />B. LANDMARK <br />1. 619 Sherman <br />