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5. National Register Shaefer/Miami Trail <br />CATHERINE HOSTETLER: Mr. Livingston has completed the ordinance and the legal <br />description of the Chapin Street District. I would like to move that the agenda be <br />amended to allow Mr. Livingston to address this at this point during the meeting. <br />JOHN LIVINGSTON: The ordinance itself is a couple of paragraphs with four pages of <br />legal description. We need a recommendation from the commission for the establishment <br />of a historic preservation district. We shall then present that to the Common Council. I <br />think that's the quickest way to go. <br />VIRGINIA O'HAIR: I move that this be approved. <br />LYNN PATRICK: Seconds the motion and it passes unanimously. <br />CATHERINE HOSTETLER: German Township is getting a closer look from an <br />archeological person from Notre Dame on its Indian heritage which may give further <br />support to it being designated as a LHD. <br />With all of the work that needs to be done, we would strongly recommend that <br />Bronson/Sunnymede—especially in its expanded form -be put off until next year. The <br />staff has enough to do; and even if we added staff; it needs to be studied more <br />thoroughly. <br />The Districts Committee would like to respectfully remind the commission that <br />the many local historic districts and the numerous landmarks must be administered by a <br />staff that is composed of only two full time and one part time position. They are also <br />responsible for educating the residents of these districts and monitoring their progress. <br />(This is not an official Committee Report). <br />D. STAFF REPORTS <br />1. 531 S. St. Joseph Street, Taylor's Field Local Historic <br />District: Code Enforcement possible request for <br />demolition pending. <br />KAREN HAMMOND-NASH: The commission will recall this was a matter brought to <br />the commission's attention at the time of the Southhold Awards Ceremony when the <br />liaisons from the Taylor's Field Local Historic District raised this house as a matter of <br />concern and asked the commission to petition Code Enforcement to take affirmative <br />action regarding it. <br />We did do that and we attended a code enforcement hearing last summer. Code <br />Enforcement has been actually fairly aggressive in trying to clean up this property since <br />at least the year 2000 and possibly before that. This summer a thousand dollar fine was <br />imposed against Providence Bank for their improvident treatment of this house. <br />Code Enforcement has not seen any improvement regarding this situation. Over <br />the last several years there has been an accelerated problem with homeless persons, drug <br />Z <br />