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I..,.-... _ .r <br />THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION <br />OF SOUTH BEND & ST. JOSEPH COUNTY <br />February 23, 2004 <br />MEMBER'S PRESENT: <br />MEMBER'S ABSENT: <br />STAFF PRESENT: <br />MONTHLY MEETING <br />MINUTES <br />7th Floor, Commissioner's Conference Room <br />County -City Building, South Bend, IN <br />John Oxian, Catherine Hostetler, Diane Wrobel- <br />Illes, Lynn Patrick, Gerald Ujdak, Virginia <br />O'Hair <br />Mary Jane Chase, Joann Sporleder, Martha <br />Choitz <br />Karen Hammond -Nash, Director <br />Julie Schutte, Assistant Director <br />John Livingston, City Attorney <br />Wayne Doolittle, Inspector <br />ALSO PRESENT: Christopher Waidner, (The Troyer Group), Gary <br />Derbin, (Riverside Construction), Laura <br />Mallozzi, Bob Wolosin, John Axelberg <br />I. <br />CALL TO ORDER <br />JOHN OXIAN: Calls the meeting to order at 7:36. <br />II. PUBLIC HEARING <br />A. CERTIFICATES OF APPROPRIATENESS <br />1. 2004-0102-3; 150-1 East Wayne Street; replace <br />Pennsylvania slate roof with high profile asphalt slate & <br />copper. <br />VIRGINIA O'HAIR: Makes a motion to move C of A 2004-0102 under Old Business to <br />give the owners a chance to show up. <br />CATHERINE HOSTETLER: Seconds the motion and it passes unanimously. <br />2. 2004-0123; 611 Edgewater Drive; replace gutters, install <br />new aluminum fence in back yard, install new storm door. <br />