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John H. Oxian, President <br />South Bend and St. Joseph County <br />HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION <br />227 WEST JEFFERSON BLVD. <br />SOUTH BEND, IN 46601-1830 <br />Phone: 574-235-9798 Fax: 574-235-9578 <br />e-mail: <br />A Certified Local Government <br />Staff Report: 312 East La Salle Street <br />I& M Parking Garage <br />February 19, 2004 <br />Karen R. Hammond -Nash, Director <br />This is a very attractive red brick parking garage with steel industrial casement windows <br />and cut stone trim. Its style and design becomes even more pleasing to the eye in comparison to <br />the much younger garages across the river. Some time ago, it was refurbished by at the city's ex- <br />pense. The glass was removed from the windows, but the metal casements are mostly retained. <br />Staff recently learned from CB Richard Ellis that their client, 401 Colfax Place, who has a <br />ground lease on the parking garage and may buy it, is considering its demolition. According to <br />Jaime Wade (CB Richard Ellis), AEP currently owns the parking garage and has not repaired the <br />garage in several years. 401 Colfax Place would rather have a surface lot, which would provide <br />enough parking, than retain the garage. Parking space is restricted to tenants of the Commerce <br />Center, but the tenants are not charged rent for parking. <br />According to Ms. Wade, the parking garage is becoming functionally obsolete, which is <br />not surprising since it has not been kept repaired. The concrete has deteriorated in some interior <br />locations and small pieces have fallen from the ceiling. Some of the steel rebar is showing (See <br />attached photos). The parking garage is also connected to the transformer house. The demolition <br />could potentially damage this building as well. <br />The garage, transformer house, and the Commerce Center building are all listed on the <br />National Register of Historic Places in the East Bank Multiple Resource District. The parking ga- <br />rage has not received a grant from DHPA in the past five years, so it seems likely that DHPA <br />would consider the building a good candidate. However, because the building has not received <br />state and federal funds in recent history, it would be easier to demolish and even easier with pri- <br />vate funds. <br />Downtown South Bend, Inc also has grant money for improvements made to the facades <br />of buildings in the Central Business District (CBD). A grant could be used to at least refurbish the <br />steel casements. The East Bank may or may not be within the CBD. I am may receive some in- <br />formation regarding repair estimates from CB Richard Ellis. <br />COMMISSIONERS <br />Mary Jane Chase Virginia O'Hair (Secretary) Gerald Ujdak (Vice President) <br />Martha Choitz Lynn A. Patrick Diane Wrobel4lles <br />Catherine Hostetler (Treasurer) Joann Sporleder (Architectural Historian) John Livingston(Attomey) <br />