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12/13/2004 15:55 574-2456097 SAFETY&RISK MGTAGEM PAGE 03 <br />Chapfi7 Park Local.Historic District <br />Guidebook <br />G. In the case of structures located within the district which are designated individually as <br />rL-mdmarks, the most restrictive guidelines shall apply. <br />H. Existing easements and codicils in property owners' abstracts shallremain in effect. <br />VI. ENFORCEMENT F.ROCEDURES <br />Enforcement of the preservation guidelines for the historic district is made possible in the Zoning <br />Ordinance of South Bend, ordinance No. 5565-73. The Historic Preservation Commission shall issue <br />a Certificate of Appropriateness before commencement of any construction, reconstruction, alter- <br />ation, demolition or moving of any house or structure within the historic district boundaries (see <br />Appendix A). This ordinance, however, does not prevent the ordinary maintenance and repair of <br />any building or structure which does not involve a change in any exterior feature, nor does it pre- <br />vent the reconstruction, alteration, demolition, or moving of any building or structure which the <br />Building Comnussioner or other official, has determined to be a hazard to public safety. <br />The Historic Preservation Commission will accept applications for Certificate of Appropriateness <br />only from the property owner. Property owners wishing to do, or have done, any work affecting the <br />exterior of their building or land must apply directly to the Historic Preservation Commission on the <br />form prescribed by the Commission (see Appendix A).. The Commission will review the application <br />and either issue a Certificate of Appropriateness or else deny the application, stating in writing the <br />reasons for such denial. Upon such denial the applicant may appeal to the Common Council. <br />In making its determination, the .Historic Preservation Commission shall consider three factors: <br />first, appropriateness of the proposed work to the preservation of the building and district; second; <br />the detriment to the public welfare if the proposed work is permitted even though it is not deemed <br />appropriate; third, the potential hardship that the'denial of the Certificate of Appropriateness <br />would cause the applicant. <br />Where the Historic Preservation Commission deems it necessary, the commission -may petition the <br />Common Council for a temporary delay in the issuance of the required perrnit(s) for proposed con - <br />NO CMIMNEt r <br />CRACKS IN IAIG <br />OPEN JOINTS IN SHINGLE <br />WATER TRAVPEO IN JOINI <br />- OF GINGERSREA <br />CMACKj IN SIOINI <br />ENO OF GLA►OOaRO! <br />. _ O:ctrlG <br />QPGN SEAMS ON QOOR FRAME <br />10ETATION TOO CLOT( <br />UNDERSIZED DONNSPOUT <br />RAINWATER NOT CAARIED <br />AWAY FRON FOUNDATION <br />WHERE WATER WILL ATTACK <br />Page 27 <br />oA MISSIMC SMINCLES <br />iOAATEO FLASHING <br />'IvE VALLI• <br />UArE FLASMINO <br />• EOCE <br />IN COANICL' <br />Y IN NEEM OF REPOINTING <br />LM AT JOINT <br />lES1 GRAD%S <br />STEPS IN CONTACT <br />3UNo <br />FLOOR AT GAAOE <br />