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and that the other street light supposedly keeps going on and off all the time. This person <br />would like to see the two street lights either repaired or replaced- <br />Even <br />eplacedEven though the commission is not involved with this, I & M has stated that they would <br />be willing to donate the street lights to us or to the city. <br />Chuck Leone did get up in front of the Common Council and oppose me on declaring <br />two street lights on Sunnymede landmarks. The reason he opposed me was because <br />supposedly they were going to work with the commission on what should be done with <br />the older street lights. <br />Well, I don't want to start getting telephone calls from people or have the commission <br />blamed for something in the newspaper that has nothing to do with us. I intend to cover <br />all of these matters with Mr. Gary Geiot in our meeting on October 2"d. <br />KAREN HAMMOND NASH: We received another letter. This is a copy of a letter to <br />Mr. Jim Aranowski from the Riverbend Historic Neighborhood Association seeking Mr. <br />Aranowski's support and by application also seeking our support for replacing historic <br />concrete and cast metal street lights along Riverbend. <br />There is a policy dated August 19, 1990, signed by then Mayor Joe Kernan, a <br />representative at that time of the electric company. Mr. Oxian, on behalf of the <br />commission, set up a number of standards for the type of street lights that are to be used <br />in the historic neighborhoods in the city of South Bend. Mr. Oxian said, among other <br />things, that no new Town. and Country light poles are to be installed effective August <br />1990. This letter from Michelle and Julia indicates that seven years ago, which is a lot <br />more recent than 1990, their concrete street light poles were taken down and replaced <br />with the Town and Country street light poles. <br />What I have heard from other reporters is that the 1990 policy is no longer in effect <br />because the electric company has been taken over and the new electric company is <br />considering itself bound by legal contracts and by ordinances, but not by gentlemen <br />agreement policies. <br />On the other hand, Carl Littrel seems to be under the impression that this policy is <br />still binding, and that the electric company is still following the policy. Chuck Leone <br />was also under this same impression when he opposed the landmarking of two street <br />lights on Sunnymede at the Common Council meeting. It is the commission's <br />understanding that both Chuck Leone and Carl Littrel believe that this is still a binding <br />agreement among all the parties that are involved <br />I need to know what the commission would like me to do about this matter with the <br />street lights in the Riverbend area. Does the commission take a pro or con position in this <br />matter? Is the commission instructing me to support the neighborhood with their request <br />regarding the street lights in the Riverbend area? <br />JOANN SPORLEDER: I will make a motion that we as the commission support the <br />neighborhood's request to use the same street lights in the historical neighborhood as in <br />Leeper Park. <br />VIRGINIA O'HAIR: Seconds the motion and the motion carries unanimously. <br />11 <br />