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THOMAS BODNAR: I got a letter from the P.A.N.A.'s attorney today, indicating that <br />there would not be a settlement. That we could arrange something in terms of possibly <br />flipping the HPC on to the plaintiffs side. We discussed earlier that if they weren't <br />going to agree that I would file a motion for a judgment. A judgment could be filed <br />based on the fact that they did not file a claim. Their objection against us is a failure to <br />list the item on the agenda. <br />Secondly, there is a statute of limitations, which has a time limit of thirty days. The <br />statute is based upon when the person did know or should have known. The statute then <br />goes on to say when the minutes were adopted. In this case, October's minutes were not <br />adopted until the following January, 2001; which was ten months before the suit was <br />even filed. So, I think a strong statue of limitations defense should not take that much <br />work; and I can have it on file by our next regular meeting. This is what we had agreed <br />upon in our executive meeting. <br />A discussion was then held among commission members. The following important <br />points of this discussion are as follows: <br />1. The legal letter that was received from P.A.N.A.'s attorney. <br />2. What current and future steps the commission plans to take on this legal <br />matter. <br />3. That there should be an Executive Meeting between commission members so that <br />this matter can be discussed in further detail. <br />It was unanimously agreed upon by commission members to have an Executive Meeting <br />to discuss this matter in further detail, and to answer any further questions that <br />commission members may have on this matter. <br />2. Enforcement status of Franklin Street Apartments <br />THOMAS BODNAR: I have not sent my letter to them yet; because, I am still trying to <br />figure out what they have done down in Code Enforcement. Code Enforcement can't <br />seem to find the file on these properties. This is a case where their concern isn't so much <br />with the historical accuracy of the repairs as that there are no repairs at all being done, <br />other thari perhaps to shore up the one porch by piling one brick on top of another. These <br />repairs that are not being done are causing very serious health and safety hazards. <br />Perhaps we can discuss this matter in connection with 117 West North Shore -Drive. <br />This is a case where we are worried about the appropriateness of what they are going to <br />do. In the case with 117 West North Shore Drive they had their hearing, and Code <br />Enforcement fined them a thousand dollars. They now have until next Monday to appeal <br />that fine. But, nobody wants the thousand dollars. Code Enforcement doesn't want the <br />thousand dollars. We wouldn't, if we had the power, want the thousand dollars either. <br />What everybody does want is to have the house repaired We, the commission, are not in <br />a position to take over the apartment buildings on Franklin Street. <br />Code Enforcement may be well on their way to being in a position to do something <br />about this matter. The address numbers for the Franklin Street apartment buildings are <br />125 &127. <br />0 <br />