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MARTHA CHOITZ: I move that we approve application 2002-0603 with the <br />recommendations that are listed on the Certificate of Appropriateness dated October 19th <br />That this application form be added to the original Certificate of Appropriateness that <br />was filed earlier. <br />JOANN SPORLEDER: Seconds the motion and the motion carries unanimously. <br />4. 2002-0701; 519 Edgewater Drive; replace aluminum storm door. <br />KAREN HAMMOND-NASH: This is an application that was originally approved in <br />July. Mr. and Mrs. Cochrain are seeking to amend that application by the addition of a <br />replacement screen door. <br />BILL COCHRAIN: I have some photographs of the screen door we propose to replace. <br />I have also brought a brochure showing different screen doors. We have circled a few <br />screen doors that we are considering to use as a replacement for the one we presently <br />have now. <br />The screen doors that are presently there now date back to the 1960's; but, they are <br />not consistent with our ambitions for making the house look as nice as it can. We <br />thought it would also be nice to replace the front two doors. <br />A discussion was then held where Bill Cochrain answered other detailed questions from <br />commission members about the type and style of screen doors that he wishes to have <br />installed at his residence. <br />JOHN OXIAN: I will make a motion that the front door be replaced exactly the way that <br />it shows in the brochure. That the back door should have some horizontal paneling and <br />that the glass opening is left according to the recommendation of the architect Gregg Kil. <br />JOANN SPORLEDER: Seconds the motion and the motion carries unanimously. <br />B. LOCAL LANDMARKS, second reading <br />1. 602 Euclid Avenue, South Bend, Former Nelson & Son <br />Dairy, 1906-1918. <br />JOHN OXIAN: The dairy on Euclid Avenue will be the first dairy we will be making <br />into a landmark, since we were unable to make the outstanding dairy on South Main <br />Street into a landmark. This dairy on Euclid is also a very significant dairy and Gene <br />Oakley will give us a lot more detail on the history of this dairy. <br />KAREN HAMMOND-NASH: Actually Gene Oakley has withdrawn his <br />recommendation that this dairy be made into a landmark given the alterations given to the <br />structure. <br />