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SPECIAL PROJECTS <br />During this period the Historic Preservation Commission completed the County Re -Survey. It <br />was printed and distributed in March. <br />HPC relocated its office from the 11th floor of the County -City Building to the 1st floor of the <br />Law Building located at 125 S. Lafayette Boulevard. This move used up a majority of the staffs <br />time during the first few months of 2001. <br />The Historic Preservation Commission promoted Rhonda Saunders to Executive Director and <br />welcomed aboard two new staff members. Karen Hammond -Nash was hired as Deputy Direc- <br />tor and Wayne Doolittle was hired on a contractual basis as a part-time inspector. <br />HPC President, John Oxian, is working with the Oliver Organization, South Shore and the Indi- <br />ana, Illinois and New Jersey Club to establish a railroad museum in South Bend. <br />South Bend hosted the Cornelius O'Brien Conference, which is the largest preservation confer- <br />ence in the State of Indiana, in September of 2001. The conference was organized by Indiana <br />University, State Historic Preservation Office, Historic Preservation Commission of South <br />Bend and St. Joseph County, Notre Dame University, Historic Landmarks Foundation, South <br />Bend Heritage Foundation and various members of National Preservation Organizations. <br />HPC's president, John Oxian and South Bend Mayor, Stephen Luecke, both gave speeches dur- <br />ing different workshops. <br />HPC has hammered out an agreement with the Studebaker Museum and has begun the printing <br />of a Studebaker tour book. The Commission has also designed new tour and informational bro- <br />chures regarding districts, landmarks, and general information about local history and the Com- <br />mission itself. The printing of these brochures is slated to commence either at the end of De- <br />cember 2001 or the beginning of January 2002. <br />The Historic Preservation Commission has also obtained much needed office equipment as well <br />as a car. Included in the Commission's new inventory is a new printer and a digital camera. <br />These items along with last years acquisitions of new computers, printers, fax machine, photo <br />copier, scanner and software have affectively brought the HPC office into the 21st century. To <br />further the Commissions advances in this arena the staff has obtained the services of a local <br />NSB intern for the creation of a web site which is scheduled to be up and running in the early <br />part of 2002. <br />