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DRAFT — TRANSCRIPTION SERVICES CONTRACT'— DRAFT <br />Language in bold italics has been inserted after a meeting between the County Commissioners <br />& Jerry Ujdak, in response to suggestions made by the County Commissioners. Language in <br />italics, not boldface, is added by your somewhat querulous director. <br />The Historic Preservation Commission of South Bend and Saint Joseph County (hereafter "HPC") <br />and Kathy Oxian hereby enter into this Contract for the part time services of Kathy Oxian as a <br />transcriptionist for HPC, to assist the HPC by transcribing minutes of HPC meetings for the year <br />2002 and for the year 2003. <br />Now, therefore, the parties agree: <br />1) Kathy Oxian will perform the following services for HPC as needed or requested by HPC: <br />a) Prepare a detailed and complete type written summary transcript from the audio <br />tapes made by the Director or Assistant Director of each HPC monthly or special <br />meeting which she agrees to transcribe. <br />b) Attend those meetings for which she and HPC have agreed that she will transcribe <br />the taped minutes, without charging any additional fee for such attendance. <br />However, she shall be excused from attendance if her health or the health of a <br />family member so requires. <br />c) Preserve the original audiotapes of each meeting, and return them to the HPC <br />offices as soon as transcription is complete. <br />d) Maintain complete and accurate records of the time spent and work performed for <br />HPC pursuant to this agreement. <br />e) Maintain the confidentiality of all information disclosed to her during the course of <br />her services, which HPC deems to be confidential, unless HPC consents in writing <br />to the disclosure of that information. <br />2) Monthly, upon: receiving and approving transcribed minutes of a previous meeting, HPC <br />will pay Kathy Oxian a flat fee of $60.00 for each hour that that meeting lasted, from <br />call to order, to adjournment, regardless of the actual time spent in transcription. — — <br />3) Duration of each meeting transcribed, from call to order to adjournment, shall be a <br />matter of public record <br />4) Ms. Oxian shall not be designated nor treated as an employee by HPC. She acknowledges <br />and agrees that she shall be an independent contractor, and, as such, shall assume and pay <br />in full any and all of her own payroll taxes, unemployment insurance, workers <br />compensation insurance, or other legally mandated costs, expenses, or withholdings <br />associated with her work. <br />5) All work product of Ms. Oxian that is produced while performing services for the HPC <br />shall be the sole property of the HPC. <br />--- -7) ---- - The HPC may terminate Ms.- Oxian's services at anytime provided that the HPC notifies <br />her in writing within forty-eight hours of its decision to terminate her services, or before <br />she has actually attended a meting with the expectation of being asked to transcribe it. <br />