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STAFF REPORT <br />CONCERNING APPLICATION FOR A <br />CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS <br />Application Number: <br />Property Location: <br />Property Owner: <br />2000-1116 <br />635 Lincolnway East <br />Verl Sheets <br />Landmark or District Designation: <br />Rating: C/9 <br />STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE/HISTORIC CONTEXT <br />William LaBadie, an engineer, built this house in 1902. Mr. LaBadie sold the <br />house to his son, Charles and daughter, Marie, in 1911. They sold the house in 1915 <br />to Thomas Slick for $4,000.00. Mr. Slick used the house as a rental for one year <br />selling it to William Bolster in 1916, who in turn sold the property to Nettie Young <br />in 1917. <br />Miss Young was born in Illinois in 1864. She married Timon S. Young, <br />founder of Manchester College and had two daughters. Ms. Young remarried in <br />1930, after Mr. Young's death, to Mr. Hughes. She also sold a half interest in the <br />house to her daughter, Lulu Young. Nettie Young retained partial ownership of the <br />house until her death in 1945 at which time Lulu became the sole owner. Lulu <br />Young was an elementary teacher at Oliver School. She resided in this house until <br />her death in 1971 at which time the house reverted to the First Bank and Trust <br />Company. They sold the house to Ann Dietrich a few months later. Ms. Dietrich <br />owned the property for the next 29 years, eventually selling it to Verl Sheets in 2000. <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />The Preservation Guidelines for Edgewater Place Local Historic District follow the <br />Rehabilitation Model. <br />During a drive through inspection of the Edgewater Place Local <br />Historic District the Commission Staff became aware of the fact that Mr. Sheets had <br />erected a post and rope style fence across the front yard of 635 Lincolnway East. <br />The staff immediately sent Mr. Sheets a violation letter notifying him of the need to <br />obtain a Certificate of Appropriateness for all work done to the exterior of this <br />