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NOTES FROM VARIOUS PHONE <br />CONVERSATIONS REGARDING 129 FRANKLIN <br />8/11/00 —Frank Pocza, property manager for 129 and 127 Franklin, called to discuss a <br />minimum maintenance letter our office sent regarding the condition of 127 Franklin. I <br />told him the Commission wanted to know when and how he intended to address the <br />various problems afflicting the exterior of the house. I explained to Mr. Pocza that the <br />property was a prime candidate for inspection by Code Enforcement. He said that he <br />understood that the property was a landmark as well as the house at 129 Franklin and 407 <br />W. Jefferson, he went on to state that he was against the landmarking of these properties <br />as a financial and time consuming burden to his efforts regarding the maintenance of <br />these rental structures. He went on to state that he would give us a five year repair plan <br />for the house at 127 Franklin. I explained the need for a Certificate of Appropriateness <br />for all exterior work to the house, out buildings and landscaping for all three properties, I <br />was very precise and clear. Mr. Pocza then asked questions regarding his plan to repair <br />the front and side porch at 129 Franklin. I told him if all the repairs were in-kind, i.e., <br />same for same, I could staff approve it. He asked about the columns and rails. I said he <br />would have to apply for all repairs and at that time he will need to submit a design for the <br />rails and columns, if they are the same as the originals I could staff approve. But, if they <br />were different it would have to go before the Commission. He seemed to understand <br />perfectly and appeared to be willingly to comply. <br />8/17/00 — John Oxian stopped in and told me that the columns and rails had been <br />removed from 129 Franklin and that new columns have been installed. <br />8/17/00 —1 called Frank Pocza regarding the unpermited work. I told him that he needed <br />to apply for the removal and replacement of the columns and rails at 129 Franklin and <br />since the new columns were nothing like the originals I could not staff approve them, <br />they would have to go before the Commission. I also mentioned to him that the new <br />columns, in my opinion, would most likely not be approved by the Commission. Mr. <br />Pocza was upset, he said he did not have the money tb replace the new columns and that <br />he had no intention of doing so. He went on to say the houses barely made enough <br />money to cover operating expenses. He stated that he would try to talk the owners into <br />undesignating the property. I told him the Commission had owner consent when the <br />properties were landmarked and that they had been thoroughly informed concerning the <br />guidelines. If the owners do desire to try to repeal the designation it would probable go <br />to court. I went on to reiterate the need to apply and sent him an application on 8/18/00. <br />8/17/00 —1 called the building department to send and inspector to 129 Franklin and <br />place a stop work order on it. (3:OOpm). <br />8/18/00 — I called the building department again requesting an inspector to stop the work. <br />They said the work did not need a building permit, however, they would brown tag it. <br />