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430 GERALD UJDAK seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. <br />431 <br />432 C. CORRESPONDANCE <br />433 <br />434 JOHN OXIAN said that, pursuant to action taken at last month's meeting, Wayne Doolittle <br />435 has been hired as Inspector, and has begun his work. It was clarified that for this year, the <br />436 cost of his services will be paid out of the budget for contractor services, partly with money <br />437 left over from last year's budget. <br />438 <br />439 Rhonda Saunders has sent letters to all homeowners in historic districts, notifying them of <br />440, HPC having engaged Wayne Doolittle's services. <br />441 <br />442 D. COMMITTEE REPORTS <br />443 <br />444 1. PROPOSED HISTORIC DISTRICT — Application from Park <br />445 Avenue PLHD <br />446 <br />447 WAYNE DOOLITTLE spoke as a member of the Neighborhood Committee that is applying, <br />448 saying that the boundaries of the proposed district may be re -drawn a bit, to protect certain <br />449 lovely homes from becoming Memorial Hospital parking lots. <br />450 <br />451 JOANNE SPORLEDER moved that the Commission accept the Application. <br />452 <br />453 CATHRINE HOSTETLER seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. <br />454 <br />455 JOHN OXAIN referred the matter to Committee. <br />456 <br />457 2. HISTORIC LANDMARKS -- I' Reading <br />458 <br />459 a. 745 Leland <br />460 <br />461 RHONDA SAUNDERS: This house was re -rated at the owner's request last month. <br />462 There is very strong owner support for Landmark designation of this property. <br />463 <br />464 b. Two streetlights on Chester Street in South Bend (Miss-, <br />465 identified in the Agenda as Cedar Street) <br />466 <br />467 The owner of the streetlights has been notified, and not yet responded to HPC's proposed <br />468 landmark designation. <br />469 <br />470 The Chair continued both historic landmark proposals to next month's agenda for second <br />471 reading at that time. <br />472 <br />473 3. STANDARDS AND MAINTENANCE <br />474 <br />475 This agenda item was removed from the agenda at the request of Director Rhonda Saunders, <br />476 the matter having already been addressed under Certificates of Appropriateness. <br />477 <br />10 <br />