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Administration). This rail was developed to provide an aesthetic pleasing railing <br />on applications where bridge aesthetics is important. In fact, St. Joseph County <br />has instituted a policy of using this rail on the bridges that cross the St. Joseph <br />River in the City of South Bend. This railing, while not identical to the existing <br />railing, has many of the same features and will present an appearance quite <br />similar to the existing. <br />3. Renderings of the proposed bridge rail were given to staff members of the Commission <br />and Historic Landmarks Foundation. There was a concern that the proposed rail was <br />different in that the top of the vertical elements were not higher than the top of the rail. <br />It was requested that the railing be modified to provide the nubs above the rail at these <br />vertical elements. <br />• We believe that we can modify the railing detail to provide this extra nub at these <br />locations without altering the crash worthiness of the rail. The vertical post will <br />align above each floorbeam as they do now. Rendering will be revised showing <br />both the view from the stream and the view from above. Design plans will be <br />modified to reflect this request. <br />4. The Historic Preservation Commission recommended reinstallation of the plaque in the <br />same location as existing. <br />End posts for the concrete bridge rail must be removed like the railing due to the <br />removal of the floorslab. The End posts of the bridge will be rebuilt to the same <br />dimension as before with a possible exception in depth to be compatible with the <br />proposed railing. The existing plaques will be removed, stored and re- installed in <br />a manner similar to the existing. A special provision will be developed for this <br />request. <br />S. The Historic Preservation Commission recommended that if the existing bridge rail could <br />not be re -used, then they would like to see the existing railing on the curved wings at the <br />end of the bridge remain. <br />• Since these walls are attached to the wings, we can leave these in place since we <br />essentially keep the wings intact. The existing rail on the wings will meet the <br />end of the End Posts as described above in Item # 4. Field inspections indicate <br />damage to the railing on the northwest wing and that portion will need to be <br />replaced. A special provision will be written directing the contractor to protect <br />the existing wing railing and to replace the damaged wing with a railing of the <br />same dimensions and shape as the existing wing railing. A question was raised <br />whether it would be feasible to use a portion of the bridge rail to replace the <br />damaged portion of the wing railing. Unfortunately, the bridge railing is straight <br />- and the wing railing is built on a curve. It would not be possible to take a portion <br />of the existing straight concrete railing and bend it to the radius of the existing <br />curved wing railing. <br />6. A special provision will be written directing the contractor in the work to be done to <br />repoint the concrete at the pier ends. This provision will point out the importance of <br />preserving the shape of the original. The Contractor will be directed to perform <br />measurements of pier dimensions at pier locations, which have less deterioration. He will <br />then prepare plans for providing the same shape. Once this is done and approved, he will <br />be allowed to begin his work. Unsound concrete will be removed before he begins the <br />process of repointing to duplicate the shape. <br />