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DESIGNATION <br />A Local Landmark can be a building, structure, <br />object, site, or area in the City of South Bend or <br />St Joseph County that is significant in the devel- <br />opment, heritage, culture, or history of the area. <br />The landmark must hold special value to the <br />community. The value may be its architectural <br />significance, uniqueness, materials or workman- <br />ship, setting, or its relationship to an historical <br />event, person or group. Buildings and structures <br />must be rated eleven or <br />higher on the city or county <br />ft <br />survey to become a Local <br />Landmark. <br />Landmarks can <br />Include whole farms. <br />WHAT DOES LANDMARK <br />DESIGNATION MEAN? <br />Landmark designation is an honor. The designa- <br />tion signifies that the building, structure, object, <br />site or area is important to the City of South Bend <br />or St. Joseph County's development, heritage, <br />culture or history. Landmark designation is one <br />way in which to preserve an important part of our <br />city and county's heritage for future generations. <br />O e Preservation of Landmarks is accomplished <br />through the use of Landmark Standards which are set <br />by the Commission. Landmark Standards are designed <br />to protect the integrity of the designated structure, ob- <br />ject, building, site or area. A Certificate of Appropriate- <br />ness is needed for any projects affecting the exterior of <br />all buildings, structures, objects and landscaping. <br />STEPS INVOLVED IN <br />LANDMARK DESIGNATION <br />There are several steps involved in designating a build- <br />ing, structure, site, object or area as a Local Landmark. <br />1) Designating of a landmark begins when the His- <br />toric Preservation Commission receives an applica- <br />tion or nomination for landmark status from either <br />the Landmarks Committee or property owner. After <br />a building, structure, site, object, or area is nomi- <br />nated it is evaluated by the Commission's Staff <br />based on the following criteria: <br />a) Its character, interest, or value as part of <br />the development, heritage or culture of the <br />City of South Bend, St. Joseph County, the <br />State of Indiana, or the United States of <br />America; <br />b) its embodiment of elements of architectural <br />design, detail, materials, or craftsmanship <br />which represents an architectural <br />characteristic or innovations: <br />c) its educational value; <br />d) its suitability for preservation; <br />e) its location as the site of a significant <br />historical event; and /or, <br />f) its identification with the life of a <br />person or persons of historical <br />significance. <br />2) The owner of the property <br />is notified of the nomination <br />and is given a copy of the <br />LandmarkStandards. Atthis <br />time written consent is sought <br />from the owner of the prop - <br />Landmarks can erty, however, it is not re- <br />Include forested quired. <br />areas. <br />3) The Commission holds first reading on the <br />designation at one of its regular monthly meet- <br />ings. <br />4) The Commission holds second reading on the <br />designation one month later. At this meeting the <br />Commission Staff presents a written report to the <br />Commission and recommends to either proceed <br />or not to proceed with the designation. <br />