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• <br />Q &A CONTINUED <br />Although tax benefits are available for National Regis- <br />ter listed properties and the buildings are protected <br />from adverse effects of federally funded projects, in- <br />clusion in the National Register provides no controls <br />against private demolition or inappropriate alterations. <br />A local historic district is established by a local ordi- <br />nance by either the Common Council or County Coun- <br />cil. The Historic Preservation Commission and their <br />staff work with the neighborhood residents to estab- <br />lish standards which specify types of appropriate exte- <br />rior changes or other alterations to the district's visual <br />character. The Historic Preservation Commission then <br />reviews applications for exterior alterations, public <br />improvements, new buildings, signage, demolitions, <br />and other related changes in the district. <br />MW IS A LOCAL DISTRICT FORMED? <br />There are two ways to form a local historic district, <br />one, the interested neighborhood must submit an ap- <br />plication to the Historic Preservation Commission of- <br />fice, two, the Historic District Committee, a subcom- <br />mittee of the Historic Preservation Commission nomi- <br />NEIGHBORHOOD INITIATED METHOD <br />After the application has been accepted by the Com- <br />mission, the Commission and the staff will work with <br />the neighborhood group to explain historic district des- <br />ignation to area residents and prepare district stan- <br />dards. Once the standards are approved by the resi- <br />dents they must then choose be- <br />tween which of two designation <br />�\ ,procedures they wish to follow. <br />The first requires a vote and the <br />HPC works with <br />property owners. second, a public hearing. If <br />method one is chosen, a vote of <br />all property owners is taken. If 51% of the property <br />owners vote favorably for the historic district designa- <br />tion, the Historic Preservation Commission will submit <br />an ordinance for historic district status to the proper <br />Council. If method number two is chosen then the <br />Commission will submit an application to the appropri- <br />ate Council requesting historic district designation.• <br />Council will then hold a first reading after which the <br />proposed district is handed back to the Commission <br />which then has 90 days to hold a public hearing. If the <br />Commission approves the nomination the proposal will <br />be returned to the Council for further hearings. <br />nates an area for designation. COMMISSION INITIATED METHOD <br />The Historic District Committee, a sub - committee of the <br />Commission, reviews a particular areas eligibility for <br />designation as an historic district then submits its <br />findings to the Commission for review. If the Commis- <br />sion approves the Committees nomination, the staff <br />will set up neighborhood meetings to discuss the desig- <br />nation with property owners. The Commission then <br />holds a public hearing where all interested parties may <br />voice their approval or opposition to the designation. <br />The Commission takes into advisement all comments <br />and recommendations then votes to either recommend <br />the proposed district to the proper Council or with- <br />draws the nomination. The Commission will then <br />schedule neighborhood meetings to create guidelines <br />for the proposed district. When the guidelines are <br />complete the Historic Preservation Commission will <br />submit an ordinance to the appropriate Council for his- <br />toric district designation. The Council will vote on the <br />designation after the ordinance has had first and sec- <br />ond readings. <br />WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES OF LOCAL HISTORIC <br />O TRICT DESIGNATION? <br />A <br />while stabilizing the neighborhood and direct- <br />ing growth by encouraging maintenance, and <br />discouraging inappropriate changes. <br />WILL I BE ABLE TO MAKE CHANGES TO MY <br />HOUSE ONCE THE AREA BECOMES A LO- <br />CAL HISTORIC DISTRICT? <br />Yes, local designation does allow the property <br />owner to make changes to his /her property. <br />However the changes are regulated through <br />preservation standards <br />adopted by the neighbor- <br />i� hood. The Historic Preser- <br />vation Commission and the <br />Commission's Staff will work <br />with the property owners and /or their architect <br />or contractor to come up with the best solu- <br />tions for the proposed changes, alterations, <br />and additions <br />WHAT ARE PRESERVATION STANDARDS? <br />Preservation standards are the guidelines that <br />protect the integrity and cohesiveness of the <br />neighborhood. The standards are written by <br />the property owners in the local district with the <br />aid of the Historic Preservation Commission. <br />Local historic district designation <br />c <br />protects the architectural and visual <br />character of an area. It controls <br />• <br />changes and channels progress by <br />! <br />protecting the integrity of the build- <br />ings and the cohesiveness of the <br />Historic designa- <br />area according to the standards <br />tion promotes <br />adopted by the neighborhood. Lo- <br />stability and <br />growth. <br />cal designation creates a sense of <br />neighborhood and community pride, <br />A <br />while stabilizing the neighborhood and direct- <br />ing growth by encouraging maintenance, and <br />discouraging inappropriate changes. <br />WILL I BE ABLE TO MAKE CHANGES TO MY <br />HOUSE ONCE THE AREA BECOMES A LO- <br />CAL HISTORIC DISTRICT? <br />Yes, local designation does allow the property <br />owner to make changes to his /her property. <br />However the changes are regulated through <br />preservation standards <br />adopted by the neighbor- <br />i� hood. The Historic Preser- <br />vation Commission and the <br />Commission's Staff will work <br />with the property owners and /or their architect <br />or contractor to come up with the best solu- <br />tions for the proposed changes, alterations, <br />and additions <br />WHAT ARE PRESERVATION STANDARDS? <br />Preservation standards are the guidelines that <br />protect the integrity and cohesiveness of the <br />neighborhood. The standards are written by <br />the property owners in the local district with the <br />aid of the Historic Preservation Commission. <br />