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415 renovations. As you will remember I had Wassaw and Effco each install a window unit <br />416 in the building to best resemble the existing so the Commission could see examples in <br />417 place. <br />418 <br />419 The west entrance will become the only entrance when school is in session for security <br />420 purposes. As such it has to be handicap assessable, making the removal of the granite <br />421 step necessary. I would like to reuse it for office counter top and/or for benches. <br />422 <br />423 JOHN OXIAN: We have to make sure that the reuse of the granite be detailed in <br />424 the minutes and permit so it does not disappear. <br />425 <br />426 JOHN ARNDT: We plan to retain and refinish the window in the phone room. <br />427 <br />428 The sample windows are the result of a long search for manufacturers who could <br />429 produce a window that met the school standards as well as the historic standards. <br />430 Window Company "W" replicated the existing windows, while the other company tried <br />431 to use more stock parts. <br />432 <br />433 JOANN SPORLEDER: Will the window mutins and designs be replicated in some <br />434 way? <br />435 <br />436 JOHN ARNDT: The manufacturer of window "W"has has the same mutin designs and <br />437 details of the existing windows while complying with the school's requirements. <br />438 <br />439 MARTHA CHOITZ: The parking lot that will be placed in Leeper Park, will that <br />440 be owned by the School or the Parks Department. <br />441 <br />442 JOHN ARNDT: The Park Board just recently approved the plans for the parking <br />443 lot. The School will construct the parking lot, maintain it and have reserved parking, but, <br />444 the Parks Department will retain ownership. <br />445 <br />446 MARTHA CHOITZ: Will the parking lot be screened? <br />447 <br />448 JOHN ARNDT: There are three islands, each with a tree which offers green space <br />449 and brick piers will be installed at the entrance. The trees currently existing in the tree <br />450 lawn will also be retained. <br />451 <br />452 JOHN OXIAN: I would like the Commission to make a motion to ensure a member <br />453 of the staff and a member of the commission will be used as liaisons while the project is <br />454 under way to handle any questions or problems that may arise. <br />455 <br />456 JERRY WEINER: I move to approve application 2000-0825 with the stipulations that <br />457 all large vegetation that is removed be replaced, that the bell on the north fagade be <br />458 retained, that two original windows be retained, that replacement window known as "W" <br />459 is used, that the granite stoop on the west elevation be reused with in the building and that <br />460 a member of the staff and commission be used as troubleshooters during this project. <br />10 <br />