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135 He further noted that the protection goes into affect when the owner is notified and runs <br />136 for six months, after which it can be renewed with owner consent or ceases to exist. Mrs. <br />137 Hostetler stated that if the Commission does not send the issue to the Common Council <br />138 the time will lapse and the structure will lose its protection. She further noted that the <br />139 best option would be to send the proposed landmark to the Common Council with a <br />140 favorable recommendation and let the Council decide if it should be tabled again or not. <br />141 Mr. Ujdak moved to recommend that the proposed landmark, 501 W. Colfax, be sent to <br />142 the Common Council with a favorable recommendation. Mr. Helmus seconded the <br />143 motion. A phone vote was taken concerning this issue on February 29, 2000, as follows: <br />144 John Oxian — yes and Jerry Weiner — yes. The motion passed unanimously. There was <br />145 some discussion over Redevelopments interest in the building. <br />146 <br />147 Mrs. Hostetler suggested that the agenda be suspended. Mr. Ujdak moved to suspend the <br />148 agenda. Mr. Helmus seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. <br />149 <br />150 111. Old Business <br />151 A. 1999-1230-2,218 W. Washington <br />152 Mr. Talley stated that the Commission gave its approval to the first floor signs and the <br />153 west fagade sign, however, the door was left open for the applicant to return with a more <br />154 appropriate design for the east and north facades. He went on to note that the applicant <br />155 has since decided not to pursue the signs for the east and north facades. Mr. Talley <br />156 reported that the Committee needed to deny this portion of the application to legaly close <br />157 this case. Mr. Helmus moved to recommend denial of the twelfth story east and north <br />158 fagade Old Kent signs. Mr. Ujdak seconded the motion. A phone vote was taken <br />159 concerning this issue on February 29, 2000, as follows: John Oxian- yes and Jerry Weiner <br />160 — yes. The motion passed unanimously. <br />161 <br />162 IV. Adjournment <br />163 Mrs. Green suggested that the meeting be adjourned. Mr. Ujdak moved to adjourn the <br />164 meeting. Mr. Helmus seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. <br />165 <br />166 <br />167 <br />168 <br />169 <br />170 <br />171 <br />Historic Preservation Commission <br />Of South Bend and St. Joseph <br />County, Indiana. - <br />172 ATTEST: <br />173 <br />t <br />r� <br />Secr4tary / <br />I <br />4 <br />