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90 5.2000-0208-3 —108 N. Main, vent/fan. <br />91 Mr. Talley presented the staff report and circulated photographs. He also noted that the <br />92 contractor, Bob Stachowiak, was present. Mr. Stachowiak reported that the new lessee is <br />93 not renting the entire restaurant space; he is only renting the front portion of the space, <br />94 which does not give him access to the other vents. He further presented to the Committee <br />95 an example of the turbine fan that would be installed. Mr. Ujdak asked where, exactly, <br />96 on the wall would the fan be installed. Mr. Stachowiak marked a space approximately <br />97 fifteen feet from the corner on Mr. Ujdaks photograph of the structure. Mr. Talley asked <br />98 Mr. Stachowiak if the picture he just marked could be entered into the record. Mr. <br />99 Stachowiak stated that is was fine with him. Mr. Talley asked if the fan that Mr. <br />100 Stachowiak was presenting to the Committee was the only one available. Mr. <br />101 Stachowiak noted that the fan he had brought was the smallest on the market. He further <br />102 noted that Jim Markle has already approved this particular fan, subject to approval by the <br />103 Historic Preservation Commission. Mr. Talley asked if Mr. Stachowiak had any <br />104 documentation stating that Mr. Markle was in favor of the fan. Mr. Stachowiak stated <br />105 that a permit was pending in the Building Department, but, he did not have any <br />106 documentation on him. Mr. Talley asked if any of the other fans were going to be <br />107 removed. Mr. Stachowiak stated that the owner was not intending to remove the <br />108 remaining fans until the space has been rented out and it has been determined that the <br />109 fans are not needed. There was some discussion over the fact that the proposed wall was <br />110 void of any architectural detail. Mrs. Hostetler noted that the fans are not permanent <br />111 features. She further noted that the a motion should be made to approve the proposed fan <br />112 with the stipulation that if the remaining space is rented as something other then kitchen <br />113 space that the fans be removed and covered over. Mr. Ujdak moved to recommend <br />114 approval of the application with the stipulation that if the remaining space is rented out <br />115 for other then restaurant use that the extra fans be removed and plastered over. Mr. <br />116 Helmus seconded the motion. Mr. Stachowiak asked if Mr. Talley would like a copy of <br />117 the letter from Mr. Markle stating his favorable review of the application. Mr. Talley <br />118 stated that he would very much like to have such a letter. A phone vote was taken <br />119 concerning this issue on February 29, 2000, as follows: John Oxian — yes and Jerry <br />120 Weiner — yes. The motion passed unanimously. <br />121 <br />122 B. Proposed Local Landmarks, 2nd Reading. <br />123 1. 501 W. Colfax — Remedy Building <br />124 Mr. Talley gave a brief presentation outlining the various delays that have occurred in the <br />125 attempt to landmark this building. He also noted that the structure has been under interim <br />126 protection since the end of September and would expire at the end of March. Mr. <br />127 Lykowski, owner of 501 W. Colfax, reported that nothing new has occurred with in the <br />128 last thirty days and he would like the Commission to table the proposal for another <br />129 month. He went on to ask what the timetable for the interim protection was. Mr. Talley <br />130 noted that the interim protection was nearing the end and that the proposed local <br />131 landmark needed to be sent to the Common Council. He also noted that the owner could <br />132 request that the Common Council table the issue for a month. Mr. Talley noted that <br />133 interim protection was a new ordinance and 501 W. Colfax was the first case in which it <br />134 has been used. <br />135 <br />