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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - February 7, 1997 <br />Building, an empty and crumbling high <br />school and State Theatre, a "vagrant <br />plaza "in front of the Morris and no prospects <br />for any middle class apartments. The <br />attitude of many was that downtown may be a <br />lost cause. <br />Well, that is all changed and I am proud that <br />I was a part of it. The credit, however, goes <br />to all the new businesses, the leadership of <br />the city, the Redevelopment staff and <br />Commission and my supportive Board of <br />Directors. I want to personally thank Jon, <br />Ann, Rick Pitts, Cleo Hickey, Tom <br />Eddington, Amy Tweeten and Cheryl Phipps. <br />There are different opinions about the future <br />role of Center City Associates and the <br />direction of downtown efforts. Since I will <br />not be around I would like to leave with some <br />parting thoughts. <br />First, we need to pay attention to the macro <br />trends that effect the downtown's position in <br />the entire community. Urban sprawl is not <br />positive long term development when it <br />gobbles up good farm land, devaluates othe <br />commercial real estate, demands new <br />infrastructure and separates more of the <br />community from its core. The negatives are <br />balanced out when good development <br />happens with sound, long term planning like <br />Blackthorn as opposed to Grape Road. Our <br />arteries need good planning as well, to create <br />pockets of commercial areas separated by <br />tree lined residential areas instead of an <br />endless strip. <br />We need to invest in education for ourselves. <br />At least once a year, provide a consultant or <br />attend a conference to educate the <br />H:\ HOME \CPHIPPS \WPDATA \COMMSN\020797.MIN -15 - <br />