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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - February 7, 1997 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) <br />j. continued.... <br />Once the improvements are made, the <br />City will then issue a Certificate of <br />Completion on the project and return the <br />Performance Guarantee that was received <br />from Monroe Park Associates to <br />Dominium Iowa II, LLC. Based on the <br />improvements that are proposed, the staff <br />recommends ratifying the transfer to NHG <br />Iowa II, and approval of Dominium Iowa <br />II, LLC as the Managing General Partner. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Donoho, seconded <br />COMMISSION RATIFIED THE TRANSFER OF <br />by Ms. Auburn and unanimously carried, <br />OWNERSHIP OF LEASEHOLD INTEREST IN <br />the Commission ratified the transfer of <br />MONROE PARK APARTMENTS FROM MONROE <br />ownership of leasehold interest in Monroe <br />PARK ASSOCIATES, L.P. TO NHG IOWA II, A <br />CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP AND <br />Park Apartments from Monroe Park <br />APPROVAL OF DOMINIUM —IOWA II, LLC AS THE <br />Associates, L.P. to NHG Iowa II, a <br />NEW MANAGING GENERAL PARTNER OF NHG <br />California Limited Partnership and <br />IOWA II <br />approval of Dominium —Iowa II, LLC as <br />the new Managing General Partner of <br />NHG Iowa II. <br />k. Commission approval requested to pay <br />expenses related to the refinancing of <br />the Redevelopment District Bonds of <br />1990 subject to the closing of the <br />refinancing. <br />Mrs. Kolata noted that three claims have <br />been submitted: one from H.J. Umbaugh <br />& Associates, and one each from <br />Standard & Poors, and Fitch for the bond <br />rating. <br />The staff recommends approving these <br />claims, subject to the Studebaker Corridor <br />Bond refinancing closing on Tuesday, <br />H:\ HOME\ CPHIPPS \WPDATA \COMMSN\020797.MIN -12- <br />