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3) Integrity: Determine how much of the original historic fabric remains <br />by looking at any extensive alterations, such as the installation of synthetic <br />siding, removal of architectural features, additions or structural <br />modifications, all of which could lowering the property's rating. <br />RATINGS <br />After consideration of the above factors a rating was assigned, they are: <br />1) Outstanding property has enough historic or architectural significance that it <br />is or should be listed on the National Register by itself. <br />2) Significant: property does not quite merit an outstanding rating, but is still <br />above average in its importance and may be eligible for the National Register. <br />3) Contributing: property meets the basic inventory criterion of being at least <br />fifty years old, but that is not important enough to stand on its own as <br />individually outstanding or significant. <br />It is stated in the city survey that ratings are to be viewed as advisory recommendations <br />based on information available at the time of the survey and any changes in location, <br />sensitive restoration, additional research, extensive physical damage or inappropriate <br />remodeling could affect the rating at a later date. <br />