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8. 1999-0811 - 947 Riverside Drive, ice guard. <br />Mr. Talley presented the staff report and circulated photographs. He also noted that the owner, <br />Dr. Tribble, was present and that the structure was erected prior to applying for an application. <br />Dr. Tribble noted that the condenser unit was damaged by icicles last winter. Mr. Oxian asked <br />if the structure would be permanent. Dr. Tribble stated that he initially intended the structure to <br />be mobile, moving it to the back yard in the summer, however, the structure turned out to be too <br />heavy. Mr. Oxian asked if there were no gutters on the house. Dr. Tribble noted that the house <br />had a gambrel roof with gutters, however, the previous owner did not vent the soffits so there is <br />no way to prevent icicles from forming. Mr. Fine moved to approve the application as a <br />temporary structure until the roof can be properly repaired and the guard is no longer needed. <br />Mrs. Hostetler seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. <br />9. 1999-0812 - 710 Cushing, rear yard fence. <br />Mr. Talley presented the staff report and circulated photographs. Mr. Zmyslo moved to approve <br />the application. Mr. Fine seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. <br />B. Proposed Local Landmark, 2nd reading <br />1. 14600 Adams Road - Harris Prairie Cemetery <br />Mr. Talley presented the staff report. Mr. Oxian noted that he would like a listing of any <br />veterans or historically significant individuals who are buried in this cemetery. The <br />Commission moved to send the nomination to the County Council. <br />III. Regular Business <br />A. Minutes <br />1. May, June and July <br />Mr. Oxian suggested the Commission members review the minutes and send the corrections to <br />the staff so the Commission could vote on them at the next meeting. <br />B. Treasurer's Report <br />None. <br />C. Correspondence <br />None. <br />D. Committee Reports <br />1. Historic Districts <br />None. <br />2. Historic Landmarks <br />None. <br />3. Standards and Maintenance Committee <br />Mr. Fine noted that there were numerous applications referred to the committee which should <br />not have been brought to the Commission until all required information had been presented. <br />7 <br />