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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - January 17, 1997 <br />7. NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) <br />d. continued.... <br />Carl Ellison noted that this project is <br />designed to expand the Urban Care Center <br />that currently exists at 1708 S. High Street. <br />They want to provide more physicians giving <br />care to individuals regardless of their ability <br />to pay for medical treatment. He noted that <br />they could not expand the site where it <br />currently sits. They decided to move to a <br />new site near the Boys &Girls Club. <br />He noted that they seek to acquire 1.4 acres <br />of land from the Redevelopment Commission <br />and they also need to acquire a parcel of land <br />that is owned by the Boys & Girls Club. Carl <br />Ellison showed the Commission the revised <br />drawing of the site plan. He stated that the <br />building would be a one -story building with <br />wings that would come out to a more <br />convenient configuration than the two story <br />building that was originally proposed. He <br />stated that they expect to start construction <br />in May of 1997 with a completion date <br />intended for May or June of 1998. <br />Bruce Bancroft asked if the City would <br />remove some of the curbs. Mrs. Kolata <br />indicated that the City will not remove the <br />curbs, but that the Street Department will <br />remove the pavement on Rush Street from <br />Keasey to Wenger. He asked about the <br />sidewalks. Mrs. Kolata explained that when <br />Fellows Street is widened the City will have <br />the sidewalks removed. <br />Mrs. Kolata summarized the staff <br />recommendation as follows: (1) Agree to sell <br />the land to Memorial at the price of $32,322 <br />H:\ HOME \CPIUPS \WPDATA \COMMSN\0117971HN _11- <br />