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ARCHITECTURAL DESCRIPTION <br />This is a two story Neoclassical style bank building with a rectangular plan and <br />stone foundation. It has five -bay, colossal, Ionic columned fagade in limestone. <br />A projection molded lintel with dentils, spare linear horizontal detail below frieze <br />area and parapet with single simple rectilinear ornamental center. The roof is <br />flat with a staggered parapet made of stone and frieze with dates carved into it. <br />The building also has an iron grill at base of front bays with art deco styling, a <br />central pedimented entry, simple fixed single sash windows arranged <br />symmetrically along front bays with flanking molded pilasters, narrow molded <br />lintel course and stone spandrels between levels. <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />Based on the Historic Preservation Commission's Local Landmark Criteria's <br />adopted by the Common Council, the building at 911 S. Michigan has been <br />recommended to the Common Council for designation as a Local Landmark by <br />Historic Preservation Commission. <br />The building meets the criteria in at least three areas: <br />1.) Its embodiment of elements of architectural design, detail, materials, or <br />craftsmanship which represents an architectural characteristic or innovation. <br />2.) Its suitability for preservation. <br />3.) Its identification with the life of a person of historical significance. <br />The building fulfills criteria #1 as an excellent example of an early nineteen <br />hundreds Neo -Classical Style bank building. The building is rated a significant <br />eleven in the Indiana Historic Sites and Structures Inventory. <br />The building fulfills criteria #2 by the integrity of its original construction with <br />no alterations made to it over 70 years. Its a wonderful example of the Neo - <br />Classical style of architecture that was so popular in the 1920's. <br />The building fulfills criteria #3 by its association with the South Bend State Bank <br />and its many prominent officers, including president Dick Johnson and vice <br />president, F.W. Van Antwerp. <br />Staff finds that the building meets the criteria for designation as a Local Landmark and <br />recommends that the Commission send such a recommendation to the Common Council. <br />2 <br />