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May 1996
Historic Preservation
Meeting Minutes
HPC Meeting Minutes 1996
May 1996
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South Bend HPC
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• RECOMMENDATION <br />Based on the HPC Local Landmarks Criteria, the building at 50lWest Colfax has <br />been recommended by the Landmarks Committee of the Historic Preservation <br />Commission as a Local Historic Landmark. The building meets the criteria in at <br />least four areas. <br />1.) Its character, interest, or value as part of the development, heritage, or <br />culture of the City of South Bend, St. Joseph County, the State if <br />Indiana, or the United States of America. <br />2.) Its embodiment of elements of architectural design, detail, materials, or <br />craftsmanship which represents an architectural characteristic or <br />innovation. <br />3.) Its educational value. <br />4.) Its suitability for preservation. <br />The building fulfills criteria #1 as material evidence of one of South Bend's <br />turn of the century light -industry, technology industries. Being one of the <br />few business buildings remaining from the old downtown central business <br />district, it provides an example of the importance of the commercial facade in <br />this place and era. <br />The building fulfills criteria #2 as an example of Free Classic Style <br />architecture executed in this case with premium materials and artistic <br />• attention. The building is rated Significant 12 in the Indiana Historic Sites <br />and Structures Survey. <br />The building fulfills criteria #3 as its present location is inside the West <br />Washington National Register Historic District where it is considered to be a <br />contributing resource. This district is widely publicized, toured and visited <br />regularly. <br />The building meets criteria #4 by the integrity of its original construction <br />with only minor alterations. <br />ARCHITECTURAL DESCRIPTION <br />This two story masonry building is located on the north side of Colfax Avenue. <br />Built of a mixture of brick and limestone finished to differing degrees in the <br />Queen Anne or Free Classic style, the building is most impressive from the <br />street facade which features a projecting round turret with conical roof at <br />the left corner of the second floor, a grouping of three arched window <br />centered beneath a pediment which rises above the gutter line. The stonework <br />is highly ornamental featuring a wide string course with carved swags beneath <br />the cornice line and highly articulated stone facing at the first story <br />including split faced water table, quoined surrounds at the recessed entry, <br />and ashlar panels. Windows are double -hung. Other elevations of the building <br />are much plainer having been designed either to face alley of to be closed in <br />• by subsequent mid block development which would have been originally <br />anticipated. The roof is a medium -low hip with a single dormer to each side. <br />
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