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Minutes of the Regular Meeting <br />of the <br />Historic Preservation Commission <br />Regular Monthly Meeting 7th Floor, County Commissioner's <br />7.30 p.m. Conference Room, County -City Bldg. <br />December 20, 1993 <br />I. Call to Order <br />The meeting was called to order at 7:38 p.m. <br />II. Roll Call <br />Members present: Mrs. Martha Choitz, Mr. Jed Eide, Mrs. Catherine Hostetler, <br />Mr. John Oxian, Mrs. Janeanne Petrass, Ms. Lora Spaulding, Mrs. Joann Sporleder, <br />Ms. Jewel Van Dalsen, Mr. Jerry Wiener <br />Staff present: Chip Frederick <br />Also present: Mr. Rich Arnesen, Mr. Kevin Boughal, Ms. Kim Dadlow, Ms. Aladean DeRose, <br />Ms. Karen Kiemnec, Mr. Marty Murphy, Ms. Marsha Stevenson, Mr. Ed Talley, Mr. Dave Vos <br />III. Public Hearing <br />Commissioner Eide moved to delete item #4 from the evening's agenda. Commissioner <br />Petrass seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. <br />A. Certificates of Appropriateness <br />1. 1093 Riverside Drive; RD-LHD <br />Mr. Frederick read the staff report. Commissioner Eide asked if the garage <br />would hold two cars. Commissioner Sporleder asked about the materials of the <br />garage and the other openings into the garage. Ms. Stevenson responded that <br />it was a two car garage, made of wood with several windows and a conventional <br />door. Ms. Stevenson agreed that the change would impact the historic integrity <br />of the property negatively but that currently the garage was not functional. <br />Commissioner Petrass stated that it was barely possible to park a car in the <br />garage as it stands. Commissioner Oxian spoke of his own experience with the <br />replacement of similar garage doors. Commissioner Eide asked the dimensions <br />of the proposed opening. Ms. Stevenson replied 17' 6". Commissioner Sporleder <br />asked if the alley was paved. Ms. Stevenson responded that the alley was asphalt. <br />Commissioner Choitz suggested a similar paint scheme for the replacement door. <br />Ms. Stevenson's response to the suggestion was positive. Commissioner Oxian <br />asked counsel if the HPC could approve the replacement of an original door. <br />Ms. DeRose replied that the HPC has disgressionary power that enables a departure <br />from the guidelines, however those mitigating factors must be specifically <br />addressed in the motion. By doing so the HPC avoids the charge that it acted <br />in an arbitrary and capricious manner as regards the potential change out <br />of original materials. Commissioner Sporleder moved to allow the replacement <br />of the original garage doors with a double automatic overhead door in order <br />to make the garage functional as a car storage structure and improve its security. <br />Commissioner Petrass seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. <br />Ms. Stevenson stated that she would provide the HPC with documentation concerning <br />the security problems in the RD-LHD. <br />2. 209 Hammond Place; RB-LHD <br />Mr. Frederick read the staff report. Commissioner Hostetler explained the difficulty <br />of maneuvering a wheelchair over this unpaved area. Commissioner Choitz moved <br />to allow the extension of the sidewalk. Commissioner Sporleder seconded the <br />f motion. Commissioner Sporleder asked if there was a curb cut. Commissioner <br />Hostetler replied in the negative. The motion passed unanimously. Commissioner <br />Sporleder asked about the presence of any handicapped access on the sidewalk. <br />Commissioner Hostetler replied in the negative. <br />