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0 <br />April 13, 1992 <br />STAFF REPORT <br />Mr. Jay Tidmarsh <br />938 Riverside Drive <br />South Bend, IN 46616 <br />STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE /HISTORIC CONTEXT - - <br />The building at this address is rated a C/9 in the Riverside <br />Drive Local Historic District. Built in 1903, It is currently <br />aluminum sided. The American Four Square style dwelling - has Free <br />Classic Queen Anne details, including a porch with some classical <br />elements. The original owner of the property was most likely a' <br />real estate speculator who built the home as income producing <br />property; three different occupants are listed as residing here <br />in the first ten years of the building's history, including a <br />.. special agent for the L.S & N.S. Railroad, a real estate agent, <br />and the founder of the Conservative Life Insurance Company. <br />The building sits adjacent to an American Four Square of <br />similar proportion and stylistic influence. A more true, <br />elaborate Queen Anne style home is yet another door down. Other <br />homes in this area of the district are larger and are either <br />Prairie in style or of the early twentieth century revival <br />styles. <br />PROPOSED CHANGE <br />In -kind replacement of front porch. Replace porch deck, <br />latticework, balustrade,, supports in -kind with cedar wood. <br />- - Replace porch foundation with brick or concrete pier supports. <br />Leave roof and entablature intact. Replace existing brick porch <br />steps in front with wood risers /treads. Leave side brick steps <br />for foundation concerns. Balustrade replacement will include <br />reconstruction of missing sections on east side of porch. <br />STANDARDS <br />II. Existina Structures <br />D) Entrances, Porches, and Steps <br />The majority of the houses in the Riverside Drive <br />Historic District have either an open or enclosed porch <br />across the front. Most have either hip or gable roofs <br />or are covered by the main roof of the house. <br />1) Reauired <br />Existing or original porches and steps, including <br />handrails, balusters, columns, brackets, tiles, and <br />roof decorations shall be retained or replaced by <br />replicas of the same design and materials when <br />deteriorated beyond repair. Porches and additions <br />reflecting later architectural styles, and which are <br />important to the building's historical integrity <br />shall be retained. <br />