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MAKING THE MOTIONS <br />1. STATE FAMILARITY: <br />Mr. Chairman, I have inspected the property in question and <br />have observed the ways in which this property relates to its <br />'I physical setting and to the general area and (state motion <br />for finding of fact) <br />2. FIND THE FACTS: <br />I move that the Historic Commission find as a fact that <br />the proposed project (state application file no or location) <br />if constructed_ according-to--the--plans-submitted on- (state - -date) <br />is is not incongruous with the character of the district, for <br />the reason(s) that the (state specifics ie. height, setback, <br />and Dlacement, materials, architectural detailinct, roof, <br />fenestration, creneral form and proportion, appurtenant features) <br />are /are not generally in harmony with the character of the adjoining <br />properties and the historic district" <br />State reasons why the project is /is not incongruous. <br />IF CONDITIONALLY ADD: <br />Provided, however, that the findings are made and the <br />application is granted subject to the following conditions: <br />(sDecifv conditions) <br />3 APPROVE OR DENY THE C.O.A.: <br />Based upon the preceding findings of fact, I move that the <br />Historic Commission grant /deny a certificate of appropriateness <br />to (state applicant) for the proposed (state application, file no....__ <br />— - - or location) <br />IF CONDITIONALLY: <br />subject, however, <br />made previously. <br />or <br />to the conditions specified in the findings of fact <br />subject to the following conditions <br />