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Mr. Holycross referred the Commission to the proposed <br />review procedures submitted in February. At this <br />point, he said, the procedures were still just <br />suggestions. <br />Mr. Oxian said the procedures were designed to make C <br />of A hearings at the monthly meetings more consistent. <br />They laid down methods for approving, conditionally <br />approving, and denying C of A's. <br />He said that the procedures could be tabled to give <br />commission members more time to study them. He drew <br />their attention particularly to the provisions for the <br />proper making of motions. <br />Mr. Herendeen stated that the review procedures <br />established a parliamentary -style rule for the hearing <br />of C of A's. Mr. Holycross said some Commissions used <br />such rules as a script when conducting hearings. <br />Mrs. DeRose said that, from a legal standpoint, it was <br />better to have specific, established procedures for <br />conducting Certificate of Appropriateness hearings <br />because the procedures would provide a clearer, more <br />precise record. Should any C of A case culminate in <br />litigation, a clear record would benefit the <br />Commission. <br />The procedures were tabled. <br />C. 1716 E. Wayne. <br />Mr. Pastor reminded the Commission of the decision on <br />this case- -i.e., to require the owner, Mrs. Metzger, <br />to replace the gate she'd installed without a COA, but <br />to allow her to retain the fence. <br />He had recently come up with three proposals for <br />replacing the existing vinyl -clad chain -link fence <br />gate. He passed around specifications for these <br />proposals; two were wrought -iron, costing <br />approximately $1800, and the third was pipe - frame, <br />cost as yet unknown. <br />Mr. Holycross reported that he had discussed the <br />project with the owner, and that she had been most <br />cooperative. He said she hadn't seemed concerned <br />about the price, but had been too busy to undertake <br />the replacement. <br />D. 1071 Riverside - -LHD <br />This case concerned the installation of an oval window <br />without a Certificate of Appropriateness. Mrs. Dennen <br />11 <br />