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The staff recommended instead placing these <br />additional entries at the rear of the house. <br />Several months earlier, the Commission had <br />approved the removal of a rear entry vestibule. <br />At that time, the Commissioners had directed the <br />owner to secure the rear facade of the house <br />until a viable plan for its disposition could be <br />found. Placing the doors in the back, he <br />believed, would be a viable plan. <br />Mr. Herendeen asked whether the staff had <br />discussed the alternate plan -- placing the doors <br />in the rear - -with the owner. Mr. MacHatton said <br />he had heard this plan, but he still preferred <br />to place the doors in front. Mr. Herendeen said <br />the reason he'd asked this question was that he <br />felt he could under no circumstances approve the <br />changing of the front windows to doors. <br />Mr. Oxian asked the owner why, if his parking <br />lot was to be in the rear, he needed three front <br />doors. Mr. MacHatton said the best access to the <br />two offices and to the upstairs apartment was <br />via the front. He also said, however, that the <br />staff proposal had merit, and that he might <br />accept it if the original proposal was voted <br />down. <br />Mr. Oxian suggested tabling the proposal to give <br />the owner more time to consider alternative <br />proposals. <br />Mrs. Sporleder asked whether the rear parking <br />lot would fall under HPC jurisdiction. Mr. Oxian <br />replied that the HPC would indeed be called upon <br />to decide how much of the property could be used <br />for parking space. <br />Mrs. Choitz asked Mr. MacHatton whether he had <br />yet demolished the house's rear vestibule. He <br />said he hadn't, but planned to. Mrs. Choitz <br />suggested that demolishing the vestibule would <br />leave ample room for additional entry doors. <br />Mr. MacHatton explained to her some of the <br />logistical problems he was facing in trying to <br />create entryways for the two downstairs offices <br />and the two upstairs apartments. <br />Mr. Oxian made a motion to turn parts 2a, 2b, 3 <br />and 4 of the proposal over to a C of A <br />Committee. Mr. MacHatton said he would <br />appreciate as much input on the proposal as he <br />could get. <br />3 <br />