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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - September 20, 1996 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) <br />E continued.... <br />Tom Walz stated that he attempted to call <br />Dennis Emery last night and that he had a <br />conversation with him. He stated that his <br />intention was to open a dialogue to see <br />what Dennis Emery's needs were and to <br />express to him what Lex Investment, <br />Inc.'s priorities were. That was the <br />essence of the conversation. He stated <br />that if there is an impression left that <br />somehow Lex Investment, Inc. did <br />something improper, that was not the <br />case, they attempted to be good <br />neighbors. He stated that he was a little <br />bit shocked, at least the way he <br />interpreted some of the comments of Mr. <br />Emery. <br />Mrs. Kolata noted that she would agree <br />with Dennis Emery, that there was a <br />vehicle parked there on the lot, but she <br />did not know who was parking on the lot. <br />Dennis Emery stated that it was a state <br />representative. <br />Jim Knepp stated that the state <br />representative was Mike Dvorak, he is an <br />attorney in the office with himself and <br />Tom Walz. He stated that whether Mike <br />Dvorak was parked in the City lot, he was <br />not aware of it. Jim Knepp stated that the <br />idea that Mike Dvorak was parked there <br />improperly, he is an attorney in Lex <br />Investment's office. <br />Dennis Emery stated that when he <br />presented his proposal, he used the City <br />-23- <br />