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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - September 20, 1996 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) <br />e. continued.... <br />money in the building itself, in the amount <br />of $350,00 - $400,000. This would <br />include a complete face lift of the front <br />and sides and some painting. The brick <br />work needs to be painted and there's a <br />need for new windows. They would <br />replace the garage doors and in the front <br />they would change some things. The <br />heating and electrical need to be re- wired. <br />John Piraccini stated that they would be <br />willing to do whatever it takes to meet <br />the bid specifications. <br />Mr. Doolittle, representing SSP <br />Properties, noted that as part of their <br />proposal, they proposed to construct a <br />second building on the site that would be <br />a two -story building. He stated that SSP <br />Properties cannot defer to a single -story <br />building. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Hojnacki, <br />seconded by Mr. Donoho and <br />unanimously carried, the Commission <br />accepted the staff recommendation to <br />reject both bid proposals. <br />Ms. Auburn commented that she would <br />like staff to work with both parties to see <br />if modifications can be made to their <br />proposed developments. <br />f. Staff report on disposition of property <br />in the West Washington- Chapin <br />Development Area. (Lot at 505 W. <br />Washington) <br />14 <br />-16- <br />COIvMSSION ACCEPTED THE STAFF <br />RECOMMENDATION TO REJECT BOTH <br />PROPOSALS <br />