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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - September 20, 1996 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) <br />e. continued.... <br />dealing with GSA related to the <br />Bankruptcy Court. In that case the <br />Commission was impressed with both <br />designs and would have been happy with <br />either design and did a joint award based <br />on that design. In this case, the staff is <br />not particularly happy with the single - <br />story building design. The staff <br />recommends that the bid be rejected. <br />Mrs. Kolata noted that the staff has three <br />major concerns regarding BCP <br />Partnership's proposal related to their <br />bid. The first concern was that the <br />$5,000 purchase price would not cover <br />the cost of even the environmental <br />investigation, let alone any remediation. <br />The staffs second concern was that the <br />bid specifications prohibited the use of <br />mini- warehouses and BCP Partnership <br />has mini- warehouses as a major portion <br />of their project. The staffs third concern <br />was that, if the building was going to be <br />re -used, a substantial renovation of the <br />building was required. BCP Partnership <br />proposes to renovate the building by <br />simply cleaning and painting. The staff <br />recommends rejecting this bid. <br />John Piraccini stated that BCP <br />Partnership started with a manufacturing <br />facility that started in downtown South <br />Bend and would like to stay in downtown <br />South Bend. They are looking to move if <br />they are not able to get what is needed. <br />BCP Partnership feels as though they <br />would have to put a substantial amount of <br />-15- <br />